STUDENT DAILY ENTRY School starts promptly at 8:55 am Students will enter through Door 16 (Lunchroom) Door 16 will open daily at 7:45 a.m. Students will be held in Cafeteria (Door 16) until the bell rings at 8:55 a.m. Students have 8 minutes to get to 1 st period at 8:04 a.m. Door 16 will close for student entry at 9:45 a.m. All students who arrive after 9:45 a.m. will enter through the Main Entrance- Door 8 and receive a tardy class and proceed to class
RECORDING ATTENDANCE Teachers should take attendance every period in GradeBook Attendance should be recorded the last 10 minutes of class If an error is made, teachers need to submit an override form to the Attendance Office indicating the correction in attendance that needs to made All teacher attendance must be submitted for every course taught by 4:30 p.m.
UNSUBMITTED ATTENDANCE Unsubmitted Attendance Reports will be generated daily by 4:30 p.m. Any teacher who has not submitted their attendance by 4:30 p.m. will need to see Ms. Lewis in the Attendance Office by the start of the next school day. Unsubmitted Attendance will need to be corrected by the teacher and submitted to Ms. Lewis for submission. Please remember to submit your attendance daily! 2
REGULAR ATTENDANCE DAY A student that at least 300 minutes of instruction receives a full day attendance credit and IMPACT SIM generates a daily attendance code of present “P”. A student that receives less than 300, but at least 150 minutes of instruction is coded a ½ day absence “AUHD”. A student that receives less than 150 minutes of instruction is coded a full-day absence “AUFD”. 5
KEY CPS BOARD POLICIES ON ATTENDANCE CPS district absent student notification (robo) outcaller The CPS robo outcaller phones the home of all students that have a daily attendance code of “AUFD” (ES) as of 10:00 am from noon-7:00 pm; and any period code of “AUX” (HS) as of 1:00 pm from 3:00 pm-5:30 pm. Parents that call-in an absence will still receive the robo call. Five-Day Truant Absence Letter Schools mail the “Five-Day Truant Absence Letter” 1 st class to the parent/guardian after the 5 th confirmed unexcused absence by a K-12 student. Ten-Day Truant Absence Letter Schools mail the “Ten-Day Truant Absence Letter” certified mail with return receipt to the parent/guardian after the 10 th confirmed unexcused absence by a K-12 student. Do not open returned letters.
EARLY DISMISSAL An early Dismissal will only be granted to a parent/guardian or persons listed on the student’s record in SIM. The parent/guardian or person listed must appear in person and produce proper identification to the Attendance Office to request an early dismissal. Students may not leave without proper authorization. Phone calls and or letters will not be accepted as notification. 7
EARLY DISMISSALS A student that gets an early dismissal but gets at least 300 minutes of instruction requires no attendance recoding. A student that gets an early dismissal but gets less than 300 but at least 150 minutes of instruction is recoded a ½ day absence “AUHD”. A student that gets an early dismissal but gets less than 150 minutes of instruction is recoded a full day absence “AUFD”. 8
EXCUSED ABSENCE A parent/legal guardian must send a written note to the Attendance Office upon the student’s return from an absence, acknowledging each date of absence. Note is required, even if the parent/legal guardian calls the school to inform the principal, teacher, or staff of the absence. 9
VALID REASONS FOR AN EXCUSED ABSENCE Student illness Death in the immediate family Religious holiday Family emergency Circumstances causing reasonable concern to the parent for the student’s health or safety, or Other situations beyond the control of the student, as determined by the principal. 10