PDMP & Health IT Integration All-Hands Meeting October 7 th, 2014
Meeting Etiquette Remember: If you are not speaking keep your phone on mute Do not put your phone on hold – if you need to take a call, hang up and dial in again when finished with your other call – Hold = Elevator Music = very frustrated speakers and participants This meeting, like all of our meeting is being recorded – Another reason to keep your phone on mute when not speaking Feel free to use the “Chat” feature for questions, comments or any items you would like the moderator or participants to know. NOTE: This meeting is being recorded and will be posted on the Meeting Artifacts Wiki page after the meeting From S&I Framework to Participants: Hi everyone: remember to keep your phone on mute 2
Agenda TopicTime Allotted General Announcements5 minutes Pilots Working Session50 minutes Next Steps/Questions5 minutes
General Announcements… The All-Hands calls will revert back to a 1 hour length. – Tuesdays 12:00 – 1:00 PM ET The first part of each of these calls will be an update to the community The bulk of this call will be a working session 4
General Announcements Continued To join our weekly webinars, visit the PDMP & Health IT Integration initiative Homepage for the latest meeting information: +Homepage +Homepage 5 To subscribe to our mailing list, simply complete the PDMP & Health IT Project Signup Form: gration+Join+the+Initiative gration+Join+the+Initiative To access current and archived meeting materials, visit the Project Meeting Artifacts section: 26+Health+IT+Integration+Meeting+Art ifacts 26+Health+IT+Integration+Meeting+Art ifacts Note: Please check the meeting schedule weekly to get the most up-to-date meeting information
PDMP Pilot Timeline SeptOctNovDecJanFeb 9/9 IG Consented IG Development IG Finalized and Posted For Pilot Use Pilots Conduct Pilots Needs Assessment (Today) Kick Off Pilot Activities Begin Pilot Work Pilot Progress Assessment
PDMP Pilot Timeline We ek Target Date (2014) All Hands Questions/Feedback from the Community 1Sept 15Complete All One On One Touch base with Pilot Sites 2Sept 22Canceled 3Sept 29 Pilot Team Updates and Brief Introduction to Pilot Provide any support/questions/comments to the pilot teams Oct 7 – Dec 1 Pilot teams begin work on actual pilots with weekly report outs to the community 13Dec 8 Pilot Assessment (where are we, what more do we need to do and wrap up/completion plan)
PDMP & Health IT Integration Pilots Appriss Clay Rogers Epic Tim Stolldorf WA State Department of HealthChris Baumgartner and Rhonda May Arizona Board of Pharmacy Dean Wright KY Cabinet for Health and Family Services KASPERJean Hall New Mexico PMPCarl Flansbaum QS/1 Sonny Anderson, Keith McDonagh, Matthew Brooks Virginia Prescription Monitoring Program Ralph Orr Digital Simplistics, Inc. Chuck Welch PDX, Inc Ben Loy CognosanteBarb Filkins, Michael Lundie, Catherine Graeff Prescription Advisory Systems & Technology (PAST, Inc.)Jeanette Thomson, Vin Shelton, Joe Studholme DrFirstJyoti Jalali
Pilot Updates
Updates We are still trying to schedule our 1 on 1 meetings with the remaining Pilot organizations –Transaction Data Systems –Softwriters We will continue to meet weekly as part of the pilots working sessions but may only have updates every other week depending on pilots
Pilot Working Session
Pilot Working Session - Logistics Pilots working sessions are intended for those who are involved in the actual piloting of the IG All community members are welcome to stay on the call however the focus will be on those performing the pilot We have the ability to pass presenter controls to any of the pilot sites who would like to show something or would like to work through and issue with the team –Please be prepared to accept controls if you request them Working sessions will be just that with minimal slides and PowerPoint (these will be just to guide the discussion)
Working Session Agenda TopicTime Questions from Pilot Discussions10 minutes Creating Teams30 minutes Timelines10 minutes Transactions (time permitting)Time Permitting
Questions to consider Test Data Vs. Real Data Vs. De-Identified Real Data –What limitations do the team members have? EPIC: will start with test data Virginia: Has some test data patients but limited Dr. First – Full Test Suite by Data (provided by partners and Appriss) – will use test data and will build this data based on partners needs – can use real data if that is what pilot wants PAST: Real Data (hope to use real data – but fall back would be de-identified) KY: De-identify and will give this to the partner to test create a patient that matches this OneHealthPort: Test Data first (until EPIC has this piece developed and released cannot use real patient data) PDX: will start with test data and then move to real near time live data (will need authorizations) QS1: would prefer it would be from Customer and data that they have submitted (if live data QS1 customer that supplied that data) NM: When doing testing with fake data we can control who sees data but once we move to pilot and we use real information limiting type of information people get needs to be made (who has access is an important distinction) –Will need to load data into PDMP data and want to use patients that are already in the PDMP Will depend on what is in PDMP – PDMP would need to add this test data to the PDMP There is a progression to testing to pilot – suggest pilot wants to do test data first and then move to pilots –Establish Technical Piece with Test Data –Move to Pilot once we know the technical piece is there Access to Standards –PMIX –ASAP –NCPDP –HL7 Transactions (Request and Response) to be piloted –We will need to determine which of these to use –What kinds of requests to send Partial Complete No data –Do we test requestor permissions?
Teams Based on Appriss and timelines where do we start and how do we start making the teams? Those teams can start work immediately and provide updates on our calls next week as well as findings –We can coordinate sending out contacts and helping facilitate meetings if necessary but pilots is considered a community driven aspect and we will take the lead based on what each pilot team says they need from us EPIC, OneHealth Port, WA PDMP Dr First (NCPDP), Appriss, AZ QS1, Appriss, VA (uses Optimum) (willing to explore) PAST (with Client in AZ), Appriss, AZ (and then potential to NM) Dr. First, Appriss, KY(?) PDX, Appriss, PDMP (still need customer participation) EPIC (Presbyterian Hospital), Appriss, NM EPIC (project in VA are competing), Appriss, VA
Timelines When can we start –Who is starting first and what is the timeline they think they can finish –Can Appriss do NCPDP and ASAP at the same time? –Next week we will spend a bit more time figuring out each of the pilot team timelines to ensure we start putting dates on the calendar
Next Steps All PDMP Community Meetings going forward will be pilot working session meetings – We will use the first 10 minutes of the call to update the community on activity and then open the floor to a working session The focus of these calls after community updates will the the actual pilot sites and the pilot team members – community is welcome to observe and when appropriate suggest solutions PDMP Pilot Working meetings will start next week October 7 th, 2014 at 12:00 pm ET (takes the place of the all hands community meeting)
Contact Information – Initiative Coordinators: Johnathan Coleman Sherry Green – ONC Leads: Mera Choi Jennifer Frazier Helen Caton-Peters Helen.Caton- – SAMHSA Leads Jinhee Lee Kate Tipping – Support Team: Project Management: Jamie Parker Ali Khan Use Case Development: Ahsin Azim Presha Patel Standards Development Support: Alex Lowitt Harmonization Support: Divya Raghavachari Atanu Sen Implementation Guide Development: Rita Torkzadeh Vijay Shah Vocabulary and Terminology Subject Matter Expert: Mark Roche For questions, please feel free to contact your support leads: