T21 / ST 2006 Together21 – Together to One
T21 / ST 2006 General Information Together21 was started on May : 70 people from 4 continents celebrated in the historical Hisham Palace, in Jericho.
T21 / ST 2006 Why Jericho? Jericho is the nearest city to the lowest place of elevation on the planet. Jericho is the oldest city of the world.
T21 / ST 2006 What Together21 stands for We are independent individuals, contributing our resources to an idea, a plan or a project. We have no member card or yearly contribution. We have no religious denomination. We are not power oriented. We fight neither for – nor against something or someone.
T21 / ST 2006 The Together21 Open Goal Together with individuals, groups, organizations and institutions we inspire future civic life on planet earth. We foster a change in consciousness leading to more togetherness within the human family.
T21 / ST 2006 Our Uniqueness We work together and support one another with our knowledge and skills. We do not compete. We inspire the uniqueness in everyone. Everybody is invited to join and contribute. We connect every 21st of the month to strengthen our collective field of togetherness.
T21 / ST 2006 Smart Group Fields We experience and know: When working together groups are smarter than individuals. Open collective fields strengthen the individual and the group and grow naturally through intention and care.
T21 / ST 2006 Our Activities Together21 initiates and offers gatherings, conferences and workshops where people can promote their themes, ideas and plans. Most of the gatherings follow the technology and method of Open Space.
T21 / ST 2006 The Open Space Principles Who ever comes is the right person When it starts, it starts When it is over, it is over. What ever happens is the only thing that could have happened.
T21 / ST 2006 The Start of a Project 1.All projects start with a strong desire of an individual to create, change or inspire future for the benefit of all. 2.The group turns towards the initiator and sais: “I honor and respect the path you have chosen. I support you wholeheartedly and unconditionally”.
T21 / ST 2006 Project Transaction The individual attracts likeminded people and friends willing to support the project with their skills and talents. The project group transforms the idea into action. The group is self-responsible and self-reliable but connected and accompanied by the Together21 group and field.
T21 / ST 2006 Project End Creative Projects end because the initiator is not strongly inspired, the idea attracts not enough attention, financial support is missing, the support group falls apart, it is done!
T21 / ST 2006 Financial Matters Every project organizes its own funding (with the support of Together21). Thus the initiator and the group are empowered in their actions and learn by doing. If humanity learns to offer and receive freely we will have enough for all.
T21 / ST 2006 Contributions and Fundings 1. We Honor the Past ( 1/6 ) A past project receives 1/6 from a present project as long as it is active and needs funding.
T21 / ST 2006 Contributions and Fundings 2. We nurture the Present ( 2 / 3 ) The present project keeps 2/3 of its own, receives 1/6 from past projects and gives 1/6 to a future project.
T21 / ST 2006 Contributions and Fundings 3. We inspire the future ( 1 / 6 ) A future project receives 1/6 of a present project and is thus strengthened to start.
T21 / ST 2006 Which Projects get Support? The initiator together with his/her support group decide which project of the past and which project of the future they want to support. Friends naturally support friends, attractive projects naturally get more support.
T21 / ST 2006 Together21 plans for Jericho Jericho becomes a blueprint for future civic life. Experts and laypeople, locals and visitors work together for the benefit of the city. Support groups grant for the sustainability of creative ideas, visions and plans. Smart Group Technology grants for creativity, diversity and natural growth.
T21 / ST 2006 Together21 Plans for May 2007, 2008, Collective Wisdom & Healing Days 2.Environmental & Beautification Days 3.Open Space Conference on Future Civic Life: „What Can We Do Together in 7 Days?” 4.Action Days in Jericho 5.Celebrations and Parties
T21 / ST 2006 Collective Wisdom and Healing Days Constellation experts, healers and collective field workers from all over the world share their wisdom, knowledge and skills for the benefit of individuals, groups, the city, nation and all. Lectures, story telling, workshops, healing sessions etc. are being offered. Foreign participants fund local participants.
T21 / ST 2006 Environmental & Beautification Days Together we clean and beautify places, riverbeds and streets. We work in the here and now but concentrate on a future cycle where humans give back to nature as much as they take and more. Example: Fruit tree story of Prof. Braungart.
T21 / ST 2006 „What Can We Do Together in 7 Days?” Topics and themes, ideas and visions are being announced daily and then worked on in smaller workshops and groups. The diversity of participants and their shared skills, knowledge and wisdom support the creative outcome of the self-organized workshops.
T21 / ST 2006 Together21 Action Days The inspiring ideas and plans that arise during the conference will ask for immediate actions: During 2 days following the conference, the project groups will make the first steps to transforming their ideas. Future actions are planned, responsibilities clarified, first steps taken.
T21 / ST 2006 Celebrations We honor our togetherness at the end of our activities by inviting old and new friends to share moments of laughter and depth, singing and dancing. After a meal we all part.
T21 / ST 2006 What are the Benefits for Jericho? Jericho will be mentioned in all Together21 activities. This is free public relation for the city and the touristy attractions. The Together21 activities take place over a period of two weeks in the year 2007 and Participants are inspired to come earlier and stay longer. This means income for local businesses.
T21 / ST 2006 Special Benefits for Jericho If agreed upon, Jericho will become a role model for future civic life. Experts and laypeople will share their inspiring ideas to the benefit of Jericho and its community life. Local businesses will be inspired and bring sustainable wealth to the region. Sponsorship for future life models is available.
T21 / ST 2006 Sustainability Local project initiators and their peer groups will keep in touch for a minimum of three years. Long term friendship arise with the experience of a group project. Open Space Technology and Internet based networking guarantee sustainability.
T21 / ST 2006 Summary It is the intention of Together21 to create space and time in Jericho outside of daily life routine and invite people who care, dare and are willing to share to be part of a new togetherness that benefits all. Together we can make a difference!
T21 / ST 2006 Next steps Now is the time to start Let´s do what we can do before we have to part Let´s link together and keep in touch Let´s spread the news October 2006…. May 2007….