For or Against Look at the following issues. Decide whether you are for them or against them. Explain your reasons. Use this formal or casual language. I ’ m for it.I ’ m in favor of it.I ’ m for it.I ’ m in favor of it. I don ’ t really care. It doesn ’ t concern me.I don ’ t really care. It doesn ’ t concern me. I ’ m against it.I ’ m opposed to it.I ’ m against it.I ’ m opposed to it.
For or Against Smoking in public places ________________ Drinking in public places ________________ Free university education ________________ Free high school education ________________ Free trade ________________ High taxes on tobacco ________________ High taxes on alcohol ________________ High taxes on imports ________________ Smaller classes ________________ Students electing teachers________________ Paying teachers more ________________ Paying politicians more________________ Giving money to the poor________________
For or Against Giving food to the poor________________ Mandatory military service ________________ Women ’ s Mandatory service ________________ Giving homes to the homeless________________ Free Medicine ________________ Free Public Transportation________________ Raising the drinking age to 25________________ Raising the driving age to 25________________ Lowering the voting age to 15________________ Lowering the smoking age to 15 ________________