Curriculum Training
Introduction Jennifer Payne, M.Ed. University Curriculum Procedures Analyst Coordinates new course, course change, distance learning, and undergraduate program change applications; maintains the course catalog, prerequisite changes, SDB 200 & DCR, and fees (SDB only – not TS).
Contact Info Phone: Box: Website: /index.php /index.php
Who are the University Curriculum Committee? The UW Curriculum Committee is a standing technical review committee that meets on a regular basis to consider proposed changes to the University curriculum. The Committee consists of members appointed by the following: the University Registrar, the Dean of Undergraduate Academic Affairs, the Dean of the Graduate School, Chair of the Faculty Council on Academic Standards, the Chancellor at UW Tacoma, and the Chancellor at UW Bothell.
What does the University Curriculum Committee do? Primary oversight of curriculum and course content lies with the faculty at the departmental and college/school/campus level. The committee works to assure uniformity across all three campuses and to assure meaningful course designation for catalogs as well as for student transcripts and records. The committee also works to assure appropriate articulation in course and curriculum development with other administrative bodies across campus (for example, FCAS and the Graduate School).
Course Application Deadlines Monthly Meeting deadline: Noon of the 1 st business day of the month during academic year - unless otherwise posted. Also make note of the Time Schedule and College/School Deadlines.
Application Submission Requirements One (1) original, single-sided, signed application One (1) double-sided stapled copy of just the form 1 paper-clip or binder-clip attaching the copy behind the single-sided original. Departments in the College of Arts and Sciences – the College makes copies for you.
Curriculum Review Process Applications for the monthly meetings received by the deadline are reviewed, edited to University standards, scanned, and uploaded for the Curriculum Committee to review. I will contact the departments in advance of the meeting if I suspect the Committee will have questions or issues with anything in the application. The Curriculum Committee meets on the 3 rd Tuesday of each month during the academic year, unless otherwise posted. August meeting is for changes that do not require a syllabus only.
Post-Meeting Process I will contact any department with whom the Curriculum Committee found additional issues with one or more of the requested courses/changes (Wed). Enter approved courses/changes in the SDB (Wed- Thur). Enter descriptions in CM catalog database (Thur- Fri). Changes to existing courses and new courses appear in the catalog just prior to the Time Schedule publication of the effective quarter requested.
Types of Course Forms New Course Application Course Change Application Memo of Responsibility Online Prerequisite Change Form DL Supplement for Special Topics *Newest version of forms always posted on Curriculum Office website.
New Course Applications Revised New Course App w/DL Revised New Course App w/DL Heading Box 1. Purpose of Request 2. Justification 3. Catalog Data Prerequisite: 4. Credits & Hours 5. Students 6. Learning Objectives 7. Distance Learning 8. Joint Courses 9. Other Affected 10. Equivalency 11. Approval **Syllabus** Note: see the new approved elective and equivalency check boxes
Course Change Applications Revised Course Change App w/DL Revised Course Change App w/DL Heading Box* 1. Purpose of Request Old (Current) Data vs New Data* 2. Justification 3. Catalog Data 4. Credits & Hours 5. Students 6. Learning Objectives 7. Distance Learning 8. Joint Courses 9. Other Affected 10. Equivalency 11. Approval **Syllabus** Note: only complete sections 3-10 if information is changing, otherwise leave them blank. If your School/College/Campus Committees require more info please tag with a post-it note.
* Heading Box Please complete all elements of this section on all applications, even when dropping a course. When submitting an application to change any of the items in the headline box, enter the proposed new information in the headline box of the Course Change Application, i.e., the information that will be correct when the application is filed in the University Curriculum Office, after it has been approved.
Section 1: Purpose of Request Effective Quarter (see Memo of Responsibility) Changes to existing course content UG Prerequisite Enforcement Distance Learning Approved Lists Equivalency Status Dropping Course
Memo of Responsibility If requesting a course change AFTER the Time Schedule deadlines listed on the website you MUST submit a Memo of Responsibility. Memo must include notifying students of the change and taking responsibility for any registration problems that occur. Must be signed by people to sign the course change application. Only required for course change applications
Section 2: Justification and Contact Indicate the need for this course and discuss concerns that this need is not currently being met by existing courses at the University of Washington. Discuss impact of course within department and within the University. Consider how this course will affect other University programs. Whom should I contact if I have questions about the course?
Section 3: Catalog Data word limit Present tense only (See Bloom’s Taxonomy) “This course/class/students” removed in editing “Topics vary” not necessary for Special Topics classes Do not include course title, credit, program information, etc.
Catalog Data continued… Graduate level courses do not need to specify graduate standing as a prerequisite. Limiting class to a certain major is done in the Time Schedule. Includes what the course is about, not how it will be taught. The Curriculum Office reserves the right to edit all submitted course descriptions!
Catalog Description Example Ex) Examines the proper methods for submitting curriculum applications to minimize delays. Uses current forms to maximize efficiency and accuracy. Addresses common issues to course approval.
Catalog Changes Faculty names and quarters offered can be changed via to at any The Curriculum Office does not maintain, edit or delete Instructor Course Descriptions (ICDs) which are the links at the bottom of a course description in the catalog. The department or faculty member is responsible for these.
Areas of Knowledge (UG only) To add or remove an AoK after an undergraduate course is approved you must and request the desired AoK to add/remove, justify the request, and include the most recent syllabus for the A course can only count for 1 AoK at a time, even if approved for multiple. DARS applies it to the greatest area of need. Special Topics courses are approved on a quarterly basis based on section and added via DARS exception.
Other Catalog Changes Other than submitting course change applications and changing quarters offered and faculty names the only other way to change catalog data is during the biennial catalog update where you are allowed to make MINOR, non-substantive changes to the course description.
Online Prerequisite Change For use when only changing a prerequisite consisting of your own courses. If increasing prerequisite, may require departmental/college approval. Access is restricted to Departmental administrators, curriculum coordinators, and selected faculty. You must contact the Curriculum office for access rights.
Prerequisite: To check SDB for prerequisite use the SRF 200 screen and enter 2 in the action field. READ ONLY screen. Cancel reg. if Preq. not met. Cross Campus Prerequisites not automatically added – must be requested. You can not have different prerequisites for different special topics sections.
Minimum Grade Requirements Minimum grade requirements can be specified in a prerequisite and in DARS. A prerequisite grade requirements prevents a student from registering for the next course unless they have received the specified minimum grade in the prerequisite course (i.e. minimum grade of 2.0 in CURRIC 202. A program grade requirement is approved on a 1503 and prevents students from graduating if they do not receive the specified minimum grade for a course required for the degree, major, minor, or option.
Section 4: Determining Credit (non-DL courses only) credit equals 1 hour of faculty-based instruction and 2 hours of additional student preparation for class. Ex) 3 credit class 3 instructional hours 6 preparatory hour 9 total hours Fixed: 3 Variable Range: 3-5 Fixed Range: 3/5 Any: * Repeatable: (*, max. 10) Hyphenated: ([2-4]-, max. 8)
Graded vs. CR/NC Unless requested on a new course application all new courses are approved to be offered either as graded or CR/NC (this is different from S/NS and from P/F for the Medicine). A course must have a graded section and a CR/NC only section if a faculty wants to offer both options in same quarter. You can add or remove CR/NC can be requested on course change applications.
Attendance vs. Participation Grading on attendance Any graded course with over 15% of the grade based on participation needs to include an objective participation evaluation rubric.
Section 5: Students This section of the forms is where you list the types of students you expect to register for the course and the anticipated quarterly enrollment. Note that the University has a finite number of large lecture halls.
Level Parallel Courses Any new course that anticipates enrollment of both undergraduate and graduate students needs to have both a 400- and 500-level version of the course. The versions must have distinguishable differences in requirements and expectations specified in the syllabus/application.
Section 6: Learning Objectives Learning objectives are written statements of what you want your students to learn in your course. They focus on what you want students to know and be able to do when they complete the course. Clear learning objectives will provide a framework for your entire course. See Blooms Taxonomy for a starting point
Section 7: Distance Learning Revised DL Renewal DL Supplement for Special Topics Revised DL Renewal DL Supplement for Special Topics Section 7 of the form must be completed for any course wanting to offer a DL section (new or existing course). DL is classified as “any course where 50% or more of the instruction occurs outside of the traditional classroom (i.e., video streaming, blackboard, internet, correspondence, etc).” Initial DL approval is for 3 years and 1 quarter after which the course must be reauthorized for DL via a review of the student outcomes in the course and departmental recommendation for the DL to continue indefinitely. Use the DL Supplement to request temporary DL approval for a section of a Special Topics course.
Section 8: Establishing Joint Courses If two or more departments in 1 college/school want to set up a joint only one application signed by all parties is required in both sections 8 & 11, with responsible department listed first in section 8. If two or more departments in separate colleges/school set up a joint course BOTH must submit applications, and they must both be signed by each department in sections 8 & 11, with the responsible department listed first in section 8.
Administrating Joint Courses Joint courses must designate an administrative responsible department. The responsible department controls the Time Scheduling, the prerequisite, course fees, faculty names, and quarters offered for the course.
Joint vs Withered Joint courses are identical courses offered together by 2 or more departments. Established in the SDB and must always be offered together. Withered courses are 2 or more individual courses from different departments that may be offered together. Established in the Time Schedule quarterly.
Section 9: Other Departments or Units Affected If the course is likely to contain content from another department or an existing course from outside of your curriculum, it is highly recommend that you get that department to vet and sign off on the course in section 9 to speed up the approval of the course.
Section 10: Course Equivalency and Overlapping Content The University no longer “clones” courses new UW courses from existing UW courses. In its place is the course equivalency policy detailed on the website above. Signed by each unit offering the equivalent courses before being submitted to the Curriculum Office. Courses can not be equivalent, but can contain enough overlapping content that students should not receive credit for both, or only receive partial credit for both (4+3=5, or 5+5=8).
Section 11: Approval The original must be signed by the chair of the submitting department, the chair of the school or college curriculum committee, and the dean of the school or college. The department chair must sign the original before copy are made.
**Syllabus Requirements** Instructor & Contact Information Learning Objectives Overview Required Readings & Supplemental Materials Schedule Exams, assignments, projects Evaluation Methods Grading (if over 15% participation, need objective evaluation measures detailed in syllabus)
When is a Syllabus Required? ALL new course applications With course changes if.. Changing credit (3 4, or 5 3) Changing to or from CR/NC grading Changing grade level (300 400) Adding Distance Learning section
Special Topics Courses For courses that will only be taught once or twice – used in place of Temporary courses. You should never use a specific section of a Special Topics course to represent the same course year after year. Section codes are assigned in order they are received and can not be changed. It is not recommended that you submit applications to make special topics courses joint with another course – should wither a section of the special topics course on a quarterly case-by-case basis.
Determining Level and Grades For specific information on university policy for setting course level and grades please visit the below websites
New Prefixes If a department feels it needs a new prefix they must submit a memo, with the desired prefix and documented justification, signed by the department chair and the school/college dean to the Curriculum Office to be reviewed by the Curriculum Committee. Pay close attention to how people could perceive your proposed prefix.
Course Fees Any course that wants to add or change a course fee must submit this form to UWCR. Any new fee over $50 or an increase to an existing fee over 10% must not only be approved by the School/College but the Office of Planning and Budgeting as well. UWCR enters fees in the SRF 200, you need to work with the TS office to get them attached to course sections. Fees can be offered at less then the maximum approved rate. Check the DCR and SRF 200 to see the maximum fee a course is approved for.
Detailed Curriculum Report (DCR) The DCR is a quarterly report that the UWCR posts on its website. It is a screen shot of every active course in the SRF 200 on the day it is run each quarter. You can find which course numbers are used, the titles, credits, joint status, grading, fee, AoK, hyphenation, etc of all of your active courses.
Relationship to the Time Schedule Office Related Time Schedule links Related Time Schedule links The Time Schedule (TS) will only allow course content (titles, credits, hyphenation, grading, joint status, etc.) approved in the SRF 200 screen for the quarter in question. The TS staff can not make these changes for you until the 200 screen is updated by the Curriculum Office. It is the departmental coordinators responsibility to make sure the TS Office staff know changes have been made to course content for the current TS.
Approval Tracking At the end of each month UWCR posts a report of the approved and still pending course applications on the Curriculum Website. If you are part of the College of Arts and Sciences you can also track the status of your application on this website:
Misc. Catalog changes to existing courses appear 3 weeks before the requested quarter Time Schedule is posted. Don’t use & symbol in Course Title; ok for abbreviated title. Do not change your prerequisite to control enrollment Check to see if your course change or new course applications will impact undergraduate program requirements and submit a 1503 accordingly if they do. Note: Graduate level 1503 forms under development.
Q & A Appreciation Department Dark Chocolate Marzipan, Butter Cream, & Bordeaux