Consortium building PHOENIX Training Course Laulasmaa, Estonia 01.09.2007.


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Presentation transcript:

Consortium building PHOENIX Training Course Laulasmaa, Estonia

2 PROJECT IDEA CONSORTIUM BUILDING Establishment of a fully integrated and balanced team of project partners in line with the project objectives

3 Consortium building Contractual Roles Coordinator Project Partner Practical Roles Management roles, (Workpackage leader, financial administrator etc.) Researcher, Technology developer, Technology provider, End user, Training specialist, Expert for Exploitation&Dissemination etc.

4 Eligible participants: Every legal entity can take part in FP7: Research organisations, Universities, Large industry, Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, SME-Groupings, Associations,...

5 Minimum number of partners: 3 independent legal entities in 3 different MS or Ass. States, of which at least two shall be MS or ACC Exceptions! (Coordination and Support Actions, some Mobility Measures

6 Eligible countries: Member States => Financing Associated Countries (Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, Croatia, and Serbia ) => Financing International Cooperation Partner Country (Mediterranean Partner Countries, Russia& NIS, Developing Countries) => in parts of FP7 fully integrated incl. financing Countries with S&T Agreement (US, Canada, Australia, South Africa;) => Can participate

7 Finding Partners People you know or meet Existing Framework Programme contractors Participants from other European networks Research information systems worldwide Informal Group of RTD Liaison Offices

8 CORDIS Database

9 Success Factor Partnership Design you consortium in line with project objectives (Definition of objectives, rough scientific/technological work plan) Establish a fully integrated and balanced team –critical mass –complementary, clear roles & functions –no overlaps, no duplications –experienced in EU RTD projects –knowledge of the reputation of core partners –involvement of SMEs! –for RTD, as Technology provider, user, for Exploitation, Dissemination, Management

10 Transnational cooperation Different cultures holidays, vacation dates, working cultures Taboo topics (politics, religions) –Sensibility!! Languages “English”, a common language? –Tolerance and support (ask for clarification) –silence does not mean consent Communication –good communication structures of utmost importance

11 Management Roles: Management Roles: Coordinator Coordinator ---> Overall coordination – Technical management – Overall coordination/progress monitoring of the technical activities of the project – Overall coordination of the work according to the predefined time-table – Overall management of ressources – Legal management – Managing the contract with the EC – Managing the consortium agreement with all participants – Financial management – Distribution of funds to participants in line with contract and consortium agreement – overall financial monitoring – Coordination of audit certificate – Gathering, monitoring and integrating financial data from partic. for EC – Administrative management - Reporting – Gathering, monitoring and integration of administrative data from the participants, preparation of annual and final reports to the EC – Communication – Communication with the European Commission on behalf of the consortium – Coordination of organisation of network meetings, WP-leader meetings – Ensuring proper communication with WP-leaders and extended consortium

12 Management Roles: Management Roles: Work package- leaders – Technical management – Ensuring full coverage of tasks in each individual WP – Close cooperation with the involved task leaders – Assisting partners in performing their respective activities and tasks – Financial management – Keeping track of budget situation of respective Workpackage – Administrative management – Preparation of progress reports for the overall coordinator on a quaterly basis and in between upon request of the coordinator – Communication – Ensuring proper communication with the Extended consortium and the overall coordinator Task leaders – Support of WP-leaders management tasks

13 Decision making structures CORE CONSORTIUM builds the STEERING COMMITTEE – decisive function regarding day to day management – all project partners are kept up-dated ALL PROJECT PARTNERS – decisive function regarding fundamental project decisions ( changes in workplan, changes in administration or financial isuses etc.) Decisions via and on the network meeting – Rules have been defined

14 Success factors for EU projects Clear definition of work plan with clear and relevant results Clear definition of Roles and Functions in the project : Who? What? Why? How? When? Where? All projects need a professional project organisation » set up a management structure which is adequate for the project (lean and powerful) » define clear management roles » define a clear decision making process » define efficient communication structures

15 Presenting yourself Area of interest Type of project Possible role in a project Your expertise, previous experience Organisation facilities