Visit our Focus Rooms Evaluation of Implementation Proposals by Dynamics AX R&D Solution Architecture & Industry Experts Gain further insights on Dynamics AX Industry Solution Offerings Resolution Guidance on Solution Roadblocks Networking Focus Topic Highlight Business Intelligence Tuesday 2.15pm – 5.45pm Risso 6C Risso 8A Risso 7B Risso 7A Risso 6C Risso 6A/B
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Today we will show you… Scope of Product Information Management in AX 2012 The product and product variant paradigms How to manage the shared product repository The key product data management processes How to use products as the core application building blocks
Pains and challenges Charlie Needs transparency across his organization to focus on the most cost- optimized product mix Product Manager Needs to control product availability across the organization
What did we do in this release? Enabled businesses to work with shared product data Introduced a central product creation process Enhanced a cross-company scenario by referencing the shared product entity Provided a new process-oriented UI to ease the product definition task
Components in action today
Unifying Abstractions Product Master Distinct Product Product Size Configuration Color Product Variant -Product Master Party Organization Person Party Party Roles Customer Prospect Competitor Worker Applicant Vendor User Contact Team Operating Unit Legal Entity Internal Organization Organization Organization Relationships Organization Hierarchy Purpose Legal Entity Chart of Accounts Dimension Hierarchy Dimension Hierarchy Level Main Account Ledger Chart of Accounts Structure Dimension Attribute Ledger
E2E Process : Product Management DEMO 1: Create products Product types (items and services) Product variants Dimension groups DEMO 2: Release products Release process and UI Released products and variants DEMO 3: Finalize product setup Product templates Product validation Inventoried policies DEMO 4: Create products from legal entity Advanced product creation user experience
DEMO 1: Create products PersonaPain Points and ChallengesFeatures CoveredResults and Benefits Product manager Duplication of items in legal entities Enforcement of shared policies Shared product definition Product types Storage and tracking policies Transparency and control of products within the organization Emil, product designer Definition of shared product variants Consistent product dimensions for each product master Product master list page Configuration technology Product dimensions Product variants fact box Ease of use to model configurable products by using built-in configuration technologies Emil creates a product definition for 001-Trendy Speakers for the global Contoso Entertainment Systems
demo Create products
Concepts & Definitions – Products Shared entities Product Master Distinct Product Product Size Configuration Color Product Variants -Product Master
DEMO 2: Release products PersonaPain Points and ChallengesFeatures CoveredResults and Benefits Product manager Manage availability of products in your enterprise Overview of enterprise product repository Release Open releases Released products list page Released products fact box Released product variants list page Structured process for making products available Easy and simple process The global product manager releases product 001-Trendy Speakers to Contoso Entertainment Systems West and Contoso Entertainment Systems USA East
demo Release products
Concepts & Definitions – Product data Shared entities Legal entity entities Product Item Service Product Translation Size Configuration Color Constrained – based Released Product Released Product Variants Product Variants
DEMO 3: Finalize product setup PersonaPain Points and ChallengesFeatures CoveredResults and Benefits Various from different departments Ensure defined product in legal entity Released products details form Product templates Inventoried policies Product validation Process-driven UI Operations in Contoso Entertainment Systems USA East uses templates to finalize the product setup in their part of the organization, whereas in Contoso Entertainment Systems USA West, the setup will be done manually
demo Finalize product setup
Concepts & Definitions – Policies Product Item Service Product Variants Tracking Dimension Product Dimension Storage Dimension Released Product Released Product Variants Shared entities Legal entity entities Default Order Type Item Group Model Group
DEMO 4: Create products and variants from legal entity PersonaPain Points and ChallengesFeatures CoveredResults and Benefits Product manager One-click product creation process for legal entity– specific products Released products list page Advanced product creation user experience Transparency and control of products within the organization Dynamics AX 2009 experience Emil uses Released products list page to create product definition for XXR-001- Trendy Cords for Contoso Entertainment Systems USA East. The created product is immediately available for further operation in that company
demo Create products and variants from legal entity (as in Dynamics AX 2009)
What more do we need to know about products? Product variants can be auto-created Product configuration features (BRK234) Intercompany scenarios – MRP planning (BRK233) – SO-PO product chains (no need for the artificial product mappings) – Configure products across legal entities (BRK234) Acquisition scenarios – Item ID != Product ID – Easy product ID renaming
…and a little more Procurement catalogs (BRK245) – Product categories, attributes, related products, product images Product-based unit conversion Product dimension in the SCM cubes New product services
Top 10 Tips from the Session Use Product FKs, not Product ID, in your customizations Dynamics AX 2012 doesn’t provide PLM functionality! It provides foundation for partner solutions Product variant is an ”independent” entity, compare to item combinations in Dynamics AX 2009 Use default order type policy, which substitutes ItemType::BOM Use stocked/non-stocked policy to model expenses (no inventory transactions) (BRK246) Use products to streamline intercompany scenarios and reporting Use PIM for centralized product data management approach Use PIM for decentralized product management approach (Dynamics AX 2009 experience) Use new product, storage, and tracking dimensions groups Don’t make any dependency on Item ID == Product ID – Use Product FK instead!
What is our thinking about the future … Products Application uptake (Rework of the inventory dimensions?) Cover more industry requirements (Recall, Make, Sell, Buy?) Master data management (Cloud-based services?)
What we showed you today… The new shared product repository concept in Dynamics AX 2012 How you can define different types of products for your entire organization How these products can be authorized for use in your organization How to set required inventory policies before products start to be used in the different parts of your organization How to approach centralized and decentralized product data managemant scenarios
Related sessions CHK202: Upgrading Items to Products BRK234: The New Way of Configuring Products – The Constraint-Based Approach BRK245: Employee Self-Service Procurement Through to Purchase Order Creation BRK246: Purchase Order Management CHK219: Product Configuration – Deep Dive from a Developer Viewpoint
Visit our Focus Rooms Evaluation of Implementation Proposals by Dynamics AX R&D Solution Architecture & Industry Experts Gain further insights on Dynamics AX Industry Solution Offerings Resolution Guidance on Solution Roadblocks Networking Focus Topic Highlight Business Intelligence Tuesday 2.15pm – 5.45pm Risso 6C Risso 8A Risso 7B Risso 7A Risso 6C Risso 6A/B
© 2011 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows 7 and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.