1) Canadian Airborne and Microwave Radiometer and Snow Survey campaigns in Support of International Polar Year. 2) New sea ice algorithm Does not use a single tie point to represent a given ice surface but uses a distribution for values. It then solves the radiometric equations 1000 times with random values from each distribution. Using an optimization procedure to solve the radiometric equations to estimate sea ice concentration rather than solving the equations deterministically. Generic in that can be applied to any combination of remote sensing data (combine scatterometer and passive microwave). 3) Canadian Operational Ice Services Satellite data assimilation Program Posters on Applications of AMSR-E
Sea Ice Exchange between the Canadian Archipelago, the Arctic Ocean and Baffin Bay using Enhanced AMSR-E Imagery Sea Ice Exchange between the Canadian Archipelago, the Arctic Ocean and Baffin Bay using Enhanced AMSR-E Imagery Tom Agnew 1, Andrew Lambe 2, Linda Enciu 2 and David Long 3, 1 Environment Canada, Toronto, Canada 2 University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada 3 Brigham-Young University, U.S.A.
Freshwater Return via Fram Strait and the Archipelago North Pacific Fram Strait Fram Strait FW 2300 km 3 liquid 2400 km 3 sea ice Archipelago FW ? 3200 km 3 liquid sea ice ? small
Spatially Enhanced AMSR-E Daily AMSR-E Tb products use drop-in-the-bucket method of combining swath data into a daily average product projected on the polar grid. Spatial image enhancement developed by Prof. David Long at BYU called Scatterometer Image Reconstruction (SIR). The method uses knowledge of the scan geometry and the antenna pattern of the sensor to increase the spatial resolution of the data and multiple estimates of Tb from different orbits to reduce pixel noise. AMSR-E resolution: - 89 GHz 3 km compared to 6 km - Similar percentage improvements in the other channels - Available at (ftp://ftp.scp.byu.edu/pub/amsre)ftp://ftp.scp.byu.edu/pub/amsre - Data has been processed from June 2002 to end of 2007 By processing only the ascending orbits (daytime) and descending orbits (nighttime) get two products each day. Each pixel in the image is valid for a specific local time with a discontinuity along the 180° longitude.
AMSR-E 89 GHz drop-in-the bucket Resolution = 6 km. Each pixel is a daily average. Enhanced AMSR-E 89 GHz Resolution = 3 km. Each pixel is valid for a specific time. 89 GHz False Color Image (R=H, G=H, B=V)
Animation of Enhanced AMSR Imagery
Sea ice Transport in the Archipelago
Estimating Sea Ice Motion from AMSR-E Maximum cross correlation (MCC) between pairs of satellite images is used to estimate daily sea ice motion. From this enhanced imagery we can get an independent estimate of ice motion every 15 km. By combining sea ice motion and sea ice concentration we can get an estimate of ice area flux. Analyzed 5 years from September 2002 to June 2007 however because of increased atmospheric moisture in the summer months we cannot get ice motions in July and August
AMSR Sea ice Motion using MCC January 7-8, 2003
Fluxgates surrounding the Archipelago Flux in the unit normal direction is negative AG MS LS JS
Daily ice area flux through AG and MS gates Negative flux mean export into the Arctic Ocean + flux = into Archipelago - flux = into Arctic Ocean + flux = into Archipelago - flux = into Arctic Ocean
Daily ice area flux through QEI-S and N gates Negative flux means export into the Arctic Ocean
Daily ice area flux through LS and JS gates Positive flux means export into Baffin Bay + flux = into Baffin Bay - flux = into Archipelago
Total 10-month Area Fluxes (10 3 km 2 ) each year YearAGMSQEI-SQEI-NLSJS 2002/ / / / / year average Estimated ice thickness (m) Volume flux (km 3 )
Yearly Sea Ice Production and Export in the Canadian Archipelago The Canadian Archipelago is a region of net sea ice production and export into Both the Arctic Ocean and Baffin Bay. Over the 2002 to 2007 period the Archipelago produced and export 122,000 km 2 /yr of sea ice area (~174 km 3 ) of sea ice. Export into Arctic Ocean Export into Baffin Bay
Enhanced AMSR-E imagery can be used to estimate sea ice motion in the main channels of the Archipelago. Increased atmospheric absorption prevents estimation in July and August. The largest flux variability and largest fluxes occur through Amundsen and M’Clure Strait which exports ice the Arctic Ocean and Lancaster Sound with a net export of ice into Baffin Bay. Daily area fluxes can be as large as +/ km 2. For this 5-year period, km 2 or 72 km 3 of sea ice is exported into the Arctic Ocean each year and km 2 or 102 km 3 into Baffin Bay. This sea ice is generated within the Archipelago itself mainly from the system of stationary and transient polynyas which form each winter. There is very little direct transport of sea ice from the Arctic Ocean through the Archipelago to Baffin Bay. These ice fluxes are considerably less than the flux of sea ice through Fram Strait (~ 2800 km 3 yr -1 ), the southward ice area transport Baffin Bay ~ 530 x 10 3 km 2. Conclusions
Future work analyzed enhanced SSM/I imagery (from 1988) estimate ice area fluxes for a much longer period. Conclusions
AMSR Sea ice Motion using MCC March 3-4, 2003
AMSR Sea ice Motion using MCC March 3-4, 2003
Local Pixel Time for Nighttime Orbits
Animation of Enhanced AMSR Imagery
Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for EOS (AMSR-E) For Arctic monitoring and research, satellite microwave has an advantage over other satellite sensors because it can ‘see’ through cloud and during 24- hour darkness. AMSR-E is a passive sensor with resolution has been improved to ~ 3 km and it has daily repeat coverage of the entire Arctic. From it we can get daily sea ice motion and sea ice concentration estimates in the main channels of the Canadian Archipelago. Maximum cross correlation (MCC) between pairs of satellite images is used to estimate daily sea ice motion. From this enhansed imagery we can get an independent estimate of ice motion every 15 km. By combining sea ice motion and sea ice concentration we can get an estimate of ice area flux. Analyzed 5 years from September 2002 to June 2007 however because of increased atmospheric moisture in the summer months we cannot get ice motions in July and August
Cross gradient pressure /ice flux relationship