Sida’s Support to Civil Society Presentation by Team Civil Society to Development Practioners’ Network in Prague 13 May 2009
Team Civil Society The team has overall responsibility within Sida for both policy and operational work with Civil Society Around 30% of Sida’s funds goes through CSOs A new policy for support to Civil Society has recently been adopted by the Swedish Government Sida’s financial support is provided through: – NGO appropriation: Support to Swedish Frame Organisations and international NGOs – Direct support to Swedish, International and Local CSOs (guided by bilateral and regional cooperations strategies ) – Support through the Humanitarian appropriation – Support to the international policy debate on Civil Society
New Policy for Civil Society Point of departure: Civil Society plays an important role, in poverty reduction, democratic development and increased respect for Human Rights The overall objective for the policy is to support a vibrant and pluralistic civil society that contributes to a rights-based approach and a reduction in poverty in all its dimensions The policy identifies two roles for civil society – advocacy and service delivery
New Policy for Civil Society Capacity development will be an important aspect of all support (thematic as well as organisational) Support development of a favourable environment for civil society in terms of institutional, legal, political and administrative work Support to CSOs should follow established principles on aid effectiveness such as local ownership, core support and increased harmonisation with other donors
Civil Society and Aid Effectiveness
International Policy Issues – Aid Effectiveness CSOs manage significant levels of development funds CSOs manage significant levels of development funds Sweden is an active member in the Nordic+ group and its work on civil society Sweden is an active member in the Nordic+ group and its work on civil society Sweden is taking a leading role in the post Accra work on civil society and aid effectiveness within OECD/DAC Sweden is taking a leading role in the post Accra work on civil society and aid effectiveness within OECD/DAC Sida has provided support to CSOs participation in the aid effectiveness agenda and will continue to do so Sida has provided support to CSOs participation in the aid effectiveness agenda and will continue to do so Sida’s Civil Society Center actively encourages a regular dialogue between Swedish, southern and int. CSOs regarding the aid effectiveness agenda Sida’s Civil Society Center actively encourages a regular dialogue between Swedish, southern and int. CSOs regarding the aid effectiveness agenda
From Paris to Accra Civil Society issues not well reflected in PD CSOs organised themselves into networks (ISG, GFG) Series of consultations leading up to Accra (37 country consultations, 8 regional and 4 international) Parallel CSO forum in Accra CSOs were represented in the various round-tables and there was a specific roundtable on civil society (round table 6) In Accra Agenda for Action there are specific paragraphs that relates to CSOs
Accra Agenda for Action and Civil Society Acknowledged Civil Society as an independant development actors in their own right. Commit the signatories to create an enabling environment for CSOs and encourage CSOs to continue working with its own development effectiveness. The role of civil society is highlighted in several articles, notably: Paragraph 13b on capacity development Paragraph 20b on the CSO development effectiveness initiative Paragraph 20c on an enabling environment However, lack of a follow-up mechanism
Organisation – from Paris to Accra OECD/DAC WP-EFF (2003) AG-CS and aid effectiveness (2007) -Provide support to WP-EFF on how to engage CSOs in the aid effectiveness agenda - multi-stakeholder forum - Chaired by CIDA - Synthesis of Findings and Recommendations and ”Exploration of Good Practices” -Supported CSO consultations Concluded in Paris October 2008 – Recommendations to WP-EFF
Way forward CSOs now part of WP-EFF New Structure on WP-EFF (5 clusters) Multi-stakeholder meeting in Stockholm Multistakeholder group on Civil Society and Aid Effectiveness will be established under Cluster A
Stockholm meeting 2-3 April The objective of the meeting was to follow up on the recommendation from AG-CS 12 donors, 4 partner governments, 4 CSO networks UNDP and WP-EFF ToR was developed – Promote and monitor action on the sections of AAA and AG-CS of special relevance to CSOs – translate AAA commitments into concrete and measurable benchmarks - Pilots to implement AAA and AGCS commitments - Supporting participation in the independant CSO-led process on aid and development effictiveness - Sharing good practices (donor models of support & enabling environment)
Stockholm meeting 2-3 April Pooled donor support to CSO proposals Multi-stakeholder body Co-chaired by one CSO, one partner gov and one donor Next meeting tentatively planned for Prague 23rd June
Key issues for CSOs – HLF4 Work through WP-EFF and its clusters From Aid Effectiveness to Development Effectiveness Broaden the definition of ownership (democratic ownership) Conditionality, untied aid and predicability of Aid