The Agriculture and Nature Panel – Review 2006 Thessaloniki 1 Ulrich Dämmgen, Nick Hutchings, and Rainer Steinbrecher UN ECE Task Force on Emission Inventories and Projections, Agriculture and Nature Panel
Chapters „under construction“: 10 01Emissions from cultures with fertilizers. Lead author Mark Theobald (CEH): first steps made 10 05Emissions from manure management. Carbon compounds. Lead author Jim Webb (AEAT): chapter almost ready 10 09Emissions from manure management. Nitrogen compounds. Authors Ulrich Dämmgen (FAL) and Nick Hutchings (DIAS): chapter almost ready, in print in Environmental Pollution 10 0XParticle emissions from arable agriculture. Authors Torsten Hinz (FAL) and Klaas van der Hoek (RIVM): data availability poor, progress made However: All activities stopped, until further notice is given about formats, structures and (potentially) funding! The State of the Guidebook Chapters Theesaloniki 2
The State of the Guidebook Chapters 10 10Particle emissions from animal husbandry was recently corrected. Please use the latest version! Theesaloniki 3
Progress within methodology development – work of the EAGER* group * EAGER: European Agricultural Gaseous Emissions Inventory Researchers Network ( Thessaloniki 4 Switzerland, the UK, Denmark, the Netherlands and Germany had developed their own mass flow model. The results obtained deviated considerably. The EAGER activities: check the internal structure and consistency of each model identify differences ( and errors) explain deviations
Thessaloniki 5 The results obtained within EAGER for dairy cattle, beef cattle and fattening pigs (slurry based) were submitted to Atmospheric Environment. Next items: ● Straw based systems (immobilization, mineralization) ● Poultry (generation of TAN during storage) ……. ● Steps towards inventories with a resolution in time of months. (The ammonia problem is not only a local problem, but also a seasonal problem.) Progress within methodology development – work of the EAGER* group
Thessaloniki 6 The 2006 meeting was held at Pruhonice near Prague as joint meeting with the Expert Group on Ammonia Abatement, addressing …. The 2007 meeting will be held at Braunschweig, Germany, April 25 – 27, together with the Ammonia Abatement Group. Half-term meetings Personal changes In spring 2007, Barbara Amon (Agricultural University, Vienna) will replace Ulrich Dämmgen as a co-chair.
SNAP 11 SourcesPollutants Vegetation, esp. ForestsNMVOC Biomass burning and forest fires (new)NO x, PM, CO, CO 2, CH 4, OC, EC, VOC NO from soilsNO Pollen (New)PM Wild animalsCH 4, NH 3 Anoxic soil processes (wetlands)CH 4 Natural seepage of gas storageCH 4, NMVOC Wind blown dust (incl. Saharan) (new)PM VolcanoesSO x, NO x, PM, HF, HCl, HNO 3 LightningNO x Sea, Coastal zones (New)PM, DMS
Contributions for the GB-Update Improved methodologies Improved emission factors New source categories New data bases Gridded output using GIS platforms
Summary Project Status First drafts available Second drafts of all source categories will not be ready before April Decison on delivery of final draft versions for review depends on publishing date of the new structure for the GB Delayed