Endcap Module Status Agreed Responsibilities Overall Production UK Situation Global Schedule Issues General Production Issues
Agreed Module Distribution InnerMiddle Outer TotalInnerMiddleOuterTotal UK UK VLC VLC GVA520 GVA624 Melb104 ContingencyMelb125 MPI400 × 1.2MPI480 NIKHEF80 NIKHEF96 Freib.160 Freib.192 Total Total
Overall Production Proceeds smoothly –~816 module starts (35% of total) 70% tested of which –Yield: 88% (good), 92%(good+pass) Still OK but seems to be dropping slightly Components: –No stocks building up for spines or hybrids Very vulnerable to component delays
SummaryBuiltGoodPassHoldFailedNot testedYield (G)Yield (G+P) All %92.0% ClustersBuiltGoodPassHoldFailedNot testedYield (G)Yield (G+P) UK-V %88.8% CS %99.3% CE %82.4% TypesBuiltGoodPassHoldFailedNot testedYield (G)Yield (G+P) Outer %93.3% Inner % MidL %90.3% MidS %87.5% SitesBuiltGoodPassHoldFailedNot testedYield (G)Yield (G+P) Freiburg NaN Geneva %99.3% Manchester %88.3% Manchester-Inn000000NaN Manchester-Mid %93.1% Manchester-Out %87.3% Melbourne100001NaN MPI %87.5% Nikhef % Valencia %89.5% Valencia-Mid %89.5% Valencia-Out800008NaN
Glasgow % Liverpool % Manchester In Transit Other Totals % Site Starts Bonded Unbonded Good Tested Total Incomplete Failing Tested OK Fail Total Glasgow Liverpool % Manchester In Transit Other Totals % UK Outers in Database as of 31/8/04 UK Middles in Database as of 31/8/04 Thanks to Joe Foster for summary
Overall Schedule Still some delay –Foreseen to finish last module by end June 2005 –GVA and MPI have increased their production rates –Could be earlier (during May) if sites soon approaching their agreed number of modules, keep their production lines running. VLC helps MPI with middles NIKHEF helps Freiburg with Inners –Melbourne has to start very soon. Already pre-qualified. UK Modules
Production Issues Disk measurements showed redundancy link operation increases noise: –Trials have led to new (screened) links and requirement to change module 5.1kΩ resistor on redundancy line –All UK modules at Liverpool now have shorted out resistor with 0Ω resistor following procedure proposed by Freiburg 20% sample test show identical normal electrical performance after change –All new hybrids have 0Ω resistor –Disk results with these changes greatly improved, disc9C mounting to begin Repeat of contamination/erosion of tracks on fan-in after thermal cycling. Seen in one early Liverpool Module Now seen on two MPI modules in the same place as at Liverpool Chemical analysis soon at CERN Spine QA and delivery still critical Prague CTU and Melbourne still to qualify Most other sites producing at or above original envisaged rates and UK is nearing half-way