Territorial cohesion: the messages from the debate 18.05.2009. Prague, DG meeting Władysław Piskorz, DG REGIO, Unit C2 (Urban development, territorial.


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Presentation transcript:

Territorial cohesion: the messages from the debate Prague, DG meeting Władysław Piskorz, DG REGIO, Unit C2 (Urban development, territorial cohesion)

The debate Intensive debate (conferences, seminars, workshops); More than 390 official contributions; CoR European Summit of Regions - Prague Informal ministerial in April – Marianske Lazne Summary as part of 6 th Progress Report in June.

Definition needed? Some – yes, a clear-cut definition is needed that is shared across Europe; Others: impossible – contrary to the diversity of the contexts and would risk the early blockage of the debate; Compromise - at least a common understanding of its basic principles and key elements is needed.

Territorial cohesion … …is about –ensuring the harmonious, sustainable and polycentric development of different territories; –enabling citizens and enterprises to make the most of the inherent features of these territories, to benefit from and contribute to European integration and the functioning of the Single Market wherever they happen to live or operate; …complements and reinforces economic and social cohesion; …does not change the fundaments of Cohesion Policy: –CP remains a development policy, –emphasis is on enabling and not on compensating.

Specific territories Territorial cohesion certainly does not mean automatic compensation based on certain geographic features, does imply public policies that are better responding to different needs and potentials of all kinds of territories across Europe, can only be firmly based on better territorial knowledge!

Reinforced territorial dimension… … in the design and implementation of public policies at all levels Diverse proposals but consensus in 6 areas: 1.Coordinated public policies at different levels 2.Better account of territorial impacts 3.Improved multilevel governance 4.Need for functional approaches 5.Territorial cooperation as a clear EU asset 6.Reinforced evidence base

1. Improved coordination… … to avoid contradictory effects of upper level policies on the ground and to create synergies At each level bringing together interests of different sectors, of public and private actors, in coordination with neighbouring territories. Clear demand for more consistency between EU policies with territorial impacts: cohesion, transport, agriculture, environment, maritime; competition, research. Some call for improved integration of funds: more simplified procedures and more synergies e.g. urban and rural development.

2. Territorial impacts Territorially consistent public policies pre- suppose a better account of territorial impacts; Reinforced and shared evidence base is needed; No new territorial impact assessment instrument, rather fine-tuning of existing tools (general impact assessment guidelines);

3. Multilevel governance Increasing interdependencies and new challenges require good coordination between levels; Cohesion Policy - multi level governance and programming is the best vehicle to deliver coherent answers to the needs of territories! Increased role for regional and local actors; Cities: focal points to effectively address opportunities and challenges; EU is requested to facilitate territorial governance! No success in isolation…!!

4. Functional approaches… …since today's challenges cross more and more administrative boundaries… …flexibility is thus needed regarding the territorial levels at which we address these challenges! The regional level remains the central element in the implementation of our interventions! BUT depending on the issues addressed, the most appropriate territorial level may vary : –river basins, sea areas, –mountain areas, –networks of small and medium sized cities, –urban-rural cooperation areas, –metropolitan areas, –deprived urban neighbourhoods

5. Territorial cooperation A key instrument in fostering territorial cohesion - Clear European added value; Need of a more strategic but at same time a more flexible co-operation approach; Laboratories of European integration: –Cross-border regions - to test integrated development plans and service delivery. –Macro-regions - the integrated strategy for the Baltic Sea as a testing ground for a new approach to territorial co-operation, involving also our neighbours. –Interregional cooperation - exchange of experience, best practice and know-how - a key role for the EU. –EGTC welcomed as a relevant tool for multilevel governance. Its potential should be fully utilised. –External relations – border regions, EGTC, Neighbourhood Policy.

6. Evidence from the ground… … to reinforce our place based policies. Ability to measure diverse assets as well as constraints of our territories; –Upcoming DG Regio report on Territories with specific geographic features; –ESPON projects and Territorial Agenda actions. Need to go –below NUTS 2 : microview to fight social exclusion in urban and rural areas, –above NUTS 2 : macroview to predict migration or climate change trends.

Rural areas Need to better understand the processes: update of the OECD urban-rural classification; CZ Presidency conference + DG Regio Seminars

A quest for data and indicators It is not only ESPON! National statistical offices hold the key: Basic data is needed; Indicators to better reflect situations and processes on the ground: –human development, sustainability, accessibility indexes; New indicators for allocation purposes? GDP is a robust and accepted indicator difficult to substitute.

Possible policy implications Territorial cooperation –Cooperation Strategic Reference Frameworks for cooperation areas; –Fostering pan-European networking programs on territorial issues (Regions for Economic Change); –Encouraging the use of EGTC. Functional cooperation –From cooperation to shared solutions: the example of the Baltic Sea Strategy and its transferability; –Metropolitan areas with strong links between urban and rural zones.

Possible policy implications Integrated local development –To give local ownership of policy actions to citizens on their territory; –Positive results of URBAN, LEADER, but also EQUAL and innovative actions; –More space for experimentation for local stakeholders; Workshops on integrated local development after the summer; Latest publication: Brochure on “Promoting sustainable urban development in Europe”.

Possible policy implications More coherent policies with territorial impact –Strengthening the territorial dimension of the existing EU strategic impact assessment; –Stronger coherence between EU funds and different tools through harmonisation of rules and approaches in programming and implementation. Territorial analysis –ESPON, Urban Audit, Urban Atlas; –BUT A highly competent observatory of European territorial development is also needed.

Follow up Summary of the debate: 6 th Progress Report (end of June); Communication on policy options (Open Days 2009); Seminars to discuss key issues from the debate (1 st in September on territorial cooperation); 5 th Cohesion Report in 2010.

Thank you for your attention!