Italy’s major cities are Turin, Milan, Venice, Parma, Genoa, Bologna, Florence Pisa, Palermo, and Rome.
The capital of Italy is Rome.
The population in Italy is 57,998,353.
Money in Italy is euro. 1$ in USA is 82 cents in Italy. =
The biggest imports of Italy are metals, foods, chemicals, and cars.
Sport cars, Pizza, Wine, Olives, Petroleum, Textiles, and Fashions
Animals are horse, swordfish, sardines, fish, shellfish, sheep, brown bear, wolves, rabbit, deer, wild goat, snake, lizard, pigeon, octopus, and shark.
*Farming * Chef *Banking *Waiters *Engineers * Manufacturing *Managers
Wealthy because they have $1,820,000,000,000 dollars in all.
Pasta, Pizza, Fish, Risotto, Grapes, Polenta, Wine, salad, Soda, Cheese, Olives, Olive oil, Water, Coffee, and Parma Ham.
North of Italy is freezing cold. South of Italy is desert hot.
Boats, buses, cars, and mopeds
Hills, Volcanoes, Fields, Rivers, Mountains
Italy is located in south of Europe
The crops grown in Italy are rice, wheat, soy, beans, grapes and olives.
Vacation spots are Rome, Naples, Assisi, and Capri.
The Government is Democratic and republic.
All natural resources in Italy are rock, water, trees, oil, wheat
Olives, grapes, peaches, Mulberry trees, tomatoes, Orange and Lemon trees
Labor day, Christmas, New years, Saint Stevens Day, and Easter.
The pollution in Italy is because of the planes. Each house gets five blue bins.
Are Battle of the Oranges and The Throwing of tomatoes.
Malta, Monaco, Croatia, Herzegovina, France, Macedonia, Bosnia, Austria, Slovenia, Vatican City, and Liechtenstein
Arts in Italy are David, Mont Lisa, Sixteen chapel, and La Perimarera.
Roman Coliseum, Mount Vesuvius, Saint Peters Square, Leaning Tower of Pisa, Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps.
Museums in Italy are Bari Bergamo, Pulozzo, and Veneza
Soccer, Bocce Ball, Baseball, Biking, Hiking, Fencing, Track, Judo, Fishing, Horseback Riding, Boxing, Basketball, Rollerblading, Tennis, Motor Racing, Gymnastics, and Boating.
Are Marco Polo, Christopher Columbus, Sophia Loren, Botticelli, Leonardo Da Vinci, Maria Montessori, Michelangelo, Raphael, Galileo, Luciano Pavarotti.
Catholic, Christian, Islam, and Jewish. In ancient times they worshipped, Jupiter the God of the Sky, Venus the Goddess of Love, and Mars the God of War, and Diana the Goddess of Hunting.
Were: Welcome to Italy, Ancient Rome, First Reports, Guide to Discovering Italy
Country report, Google earth, kids rex, Ducksters, and Every