INTRODUCTION This software is used to keep track all the inventory items, that related to PPE. This is developed especially for the large scale industries. This software have wide range of supportive item in it. PPE INVENTORY SOFTWARE
FLOW OF THE SOFTWARE The software process is divided in to 4 major parts. The Master data storage. The Incoming data storage. The PPE Issue transaction storage. The Report Accessing Process. PPE INVENTORY SOFTWARE
BENEFITS OF THE SOTFWARE The issued no of PPE to the plant staffs can be seen at any time. The PPE issued to individual staff can be seen, when it is issued and the date of expiry of the PPE. When ever an audit from the DOSH, it is easily to provide the information to them. In case of any accident in the plant, it is easy to track the information about the PPE. The software can be customized according to the customer requirement if needed. There will be a warranty period for the software after the installation. The software can also support barcode and scanner, if it is needed for the customer. The Report can be created for the customer requirement. The Report can be created for the customer requirement. PPE INVENTORY SOFTWARE
MASTER DATA User Account Detail Every user can able to have their own username and password. Each user can able to restricted to use certain privilege that can be provided by the admin user. The admin user have all the right to perform. Company Detail The detail of the company can be captured in this, so that it will be used for the reporting and other purpose. Supplier Detail The detail of the supplier that provides the PPE item can be captured in this. The New supplier can be captured. Product Detail The detail of the product such as the product name, product code, description and unit price will be captured in the software. When ever a new product is introduced by supplier. It can be captured in the system. The old product that is no longer valid can be deleted from the system PPE INVENTORY SOFTWARE
MASTER DETAIL DepartmentDetail Department Detail The department detail contain’s the department name and department code no. Staff Detail The staff information is entered in the system, according to the respected department. The staff name, no, department are captured in the system. PPE INVENTORY SOFTWARE
INCOMING DETAIL The PPE incoming details are captured in the system. The Product name, supplier who supply the product, the unit price of the product, the incoming date and time of the product, the qty of the product. The Product expiry date is also captured in the system. PPE INVENTORY SOFTWARE
PPE ISSUE The PPE Issued date is captured. The Product name subject to the code. The Staff name whom it is issued, the department of the staff, the designation of the staff and the location. Every time the product is issued, it is captured in the system. PPE INVENTORY SOFTWARE
REPORTS The reports are provided as By staff name so that we can able to see all the detail of the PPE issue to the staff. By Stock Movement the date from when to when the no of item issued to whom, when, qty, when the item is expiring all this are provided. We have other reports related to stock level, product list, minimum level report PPE INVENTORY SOFTWARE