July 19, 20041 FTPC and its Utility to PMD program OUTLINE 1.FTPC and PMD: A comparison 2.FTPC and PMD: Physics issues 3.Summary FTPC Review: BNL, July.


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Presentation transcript:

July 19, FTPC and its Utility to PMD program OUTLINE 1.FTPC and PMD: A comparison 2.FTPC and PMD: Physics issues 3.Summary FTPC Review: BNL, July 19, 2004

July 19, FTPC and PMD: A Comparison ItemFTPC-EPMD 1.  -coverage -2.5 to to  Coverage Full 3. Charged particlesYesNo 4. PhotonsNoYes 5. ElectronsYes 6. Charged Momentum Yes (p T >100(?) MeV) Photon Momentum----No

July 19, IDEA: In the preshower plane of PMD  hadrons hit one cell (ncell=1)  electrons and photons shower in the lead plane and their clusters have ncell>1 FTPC tracks projected to the preshower plane of PMD are matched to clusters on the preshower plane. If the matched clusters are with ncell=1 these are hadrons otherwise those would be electrons. This provides good electron identification. Of Hadrons, Photons & Electrons

July 19, FTPC and PMD: Physics Issues 1.Using FTPC tracks for PMD MeV-ADC Calibration 2.FTPC tracks and PMD clusters for Electron-identification 3.Multiplicity Fluctuations: Charged vs. neutral 4.Disoriented Chiral Condensates (DCC) Global Fluctuations in charged and neutral Local Fluctuations in charged and neutral With fluctuation observables With Wavelets 5.Azimuthal asymmetry and flow

July 19, PMD: MeV-ADC Calibration using FTPC tracks IDEA: Hadron and electron tracks can be determined from the cluster-size of the cells in preshower plane. Track momenta and energy of FTPC tracks are known. The cluster ADC in the preshower plane for the matched tracks are determined. By selecting tracks of different momenta one can obtain a Energy(MeV) to ADC curve.

July 19, Run # GeV Data (Au+Au) FTPC tracks 0-10 GeV window hadrons, ncell=1 in PMD Raghunath Sahoo FTPC tracks 0-10 GeV window electrons, ncell>1 in PMD. - Low statistics

July 19, Event Display FTPC PMD

July 19, FTPC spectra ---- Maria J. Mora Corral 2002

July 19, The neutral pion fraction: In normal case: Each of the pion flavors are roughly equally populated. Large fluctuations in number of photons and charged particles Disoriented Chiral Condensates Formation of DCC (caused by chiral symmetry restoration): gives rise to a pulse of low p T pions with a probability: f

July 19, FLUCTUATIONS by using WAVELETS Wavelet Coefficient (FFC) Analysis according to scale: Number of bins = 2 j where j is the scale Input function: no. of Particles in a bin Output: Father function Coefficients (FFC) at each j. Provide a new mindset in Data Analysis.

July 19, Not detectable Localized DCC domain Centrality 1. Phys.Lett.B420: , Phys.Rev.C64:011901, nucl-ex/ , to be published in PRC Krzywicki & Serreau Phys. Lett.B 448 (1999) 257 Formation of DCC – upper limits 0-5% central Global DCC  Localized fluctuations decrease from central to peripheral.  Upper limit for DCC-like localized fluctuations: 3x10 -3 for central collisions.

July 19, DCC: METHOD OF ANALYSIS DCC MODEL : Introduce DCC-type fluctuations in VENUS event generator by isospin flipping of pions with the probability Domain defined in terms of its extent in pseudo-rapidity and azimuthal angle of normal distribution Signal (S) : Background (B) : of DCC distribution

July 19, DCC POSSIBILITIES Using Momentum information of particles To look for DCC in relativistic heavy-ion collisions 1. Have a photon multiplicity detector along with a charged particle multiplicity detector which gives particle wise momentum information 2. Analyze photon excess events B. Mohanthy, T.K. Nayak, D.P. Mahapatra and Y.P. Viyogi Int.J.Mod.Phys.A19: ,2004 Strength

July 19, We define: where A Fluctuation probe for DCC Fluctuation in the ratio, R : The average is over events and D DCC = 1.8 This difference is significant and provides a powerful method of DCC search. B. Mohanty, T. Nayak, D.P. Mahapatra Phys.Rev.C66:044901,2002

July 19, DCC search For both set of events measure and compare the following proposed signals: (1)Kaon correlations (K s K + vs K + K - ) Gavin, Kapusta (2)Two-particle (HBT) correlations Gavin (3)Dilepton signals Koch, Randrup, X-N Wang  mega and anti-Omega abundances Kapusta, SMH Wong (5)Direct photons Charng et al. ( Phys.Lett. B548 (2002) 175 (6)Pion Lasers Sinyukov Pratt (7)DCC and Flow Mishra, Nandi, TN, Mohanty, Mahapatra Using charged particle and photon multiplicities: classify events based on wavelet or correlation analysis as: (1)Normal events which are within 2 or 3 sigma from the mean (2)Not-so-Normal events beyond that. Normal DCC FFC

July 19, Azimuhal Asymmetry and Flow Correlation of event plane obtained from PMD with those of FTPC from East and FTPC from West side. This should be interesting given v2’s dependence on rapidity.

July 19, Summary FTPC is important for the physics program of STAR and what we like to do for PMD.