Professional Development to Practice The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the US Department of Education to the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (#H323A120018). However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Professional Development to Practice State Implementation Specialist Purpose & Role
Professional Development to Practice Purpose The State Implementation Specialist supports the regional implementation of high quality, fidelity-driven professional development through a process of coaching and feedback.
Professional Development to Practice What is HQPD? High Quality Professional Development is measured using compiled, research-identified indicators on the observation checklists for High Quality Professional Development Trainings and High Quality Implementation Coachings. High quality is defined as receiving no more than one indicator not observed within each heading of the HQPD Training Checklist or receiving no less than 11 of the 12 items on the Coaching Checklist.
Professional Development to Practice SPDG Requirements (1) At least 20% of SPDG-delivered trainings and coachings is observed by SPDG Implementation Support Personnel (external grant evaluators at KU) and/or State Implementation Specialists to ensure that the delivery meets the criteria for high quality professional development. The SPDG grant evaluators will be involved in recording fidelity of implementation at both the process and content levels.
Professional Development to Practice 20% Defined 20% of all training and 20% of all coaching sessions provided by the RPDC to a CW building that addresses any of the areas of Collaborative Work will be observed by the CW-State Implementation Specialist. A building can be a CW building AND a PLC/PBS fee for service. PD provided as fee for service is not checked for fidelity.
Professional Development to Practice All consultants who are observed using the HQPD Training and Coaching Checklists will receive timely feedback through a feedback conversation. Timely=Within 2 weeks SPDG Requirements (2)
Professional Development to Practice Recommended Feedback Process 1.SIS observes training/coaching and records fidelity notes. 2.SIS enters observation notes to online form to be forwarded to PD Provider. 3.PD Provider self-reflects using the HQPD Training or Coaching checklist and makes notes. 4.PD Provider compares SIS notes with self-reflections. 5.The SIS & PD Provider discuss observation notes and collaboratively develop next steps for delivering HQPD or Coaching experience. This feedback conference should occur “later but timely”--not in the training context and not while learners are present.
Professional Development to Practice SIS Expectations The SIS is an observer, not a trainer. The SIS honors the relationship between the PD provider and the audience. (Co-training with RPDC consultant & SIS should not occur.) The SIS may sit-in on the training team/ PD providers coaching conversations. They should not facilitate the coaching conversation, but they may add to their notes on the HQPD Checklist or Coaching Checklist. The SIS and PD providers may have coaching conversations face to face or virtually.
Professional Development to Practice Each participating RPDC consultant is observed at least four times annually. SPDG Requirements (3) RPDC consultant providing support in CW schools. 2 observations of training AND 2 observations of coaching Annual = RPDC fiscal year
Professional Development to Practice SPDG Requirements (4) All training and coaching observations are compiled and summarized and results shared with the RPDC consultant and RPDC Director. RPDC consultants will receive their personal feedback. RPDC Directors will receive a regional anonymous summary.
Professional Development to Practice Questions? Contact Information: Phone Number