SPACE The distance or area between, around, above, below, and within things Space can be negative or positive. Space can show distance and depth
Which area is the positive? Negative?
Examples of 7 th grade positive negative designs
Positive/Negative space examples using animals
Overlapping helps to show depth when shapes look like they are in front of each other.
Notice how the student artist places at least one vase in front of the other. Also note that the vase closest to you is placed towards the bottom the painting.
These OMS 7 th grade students use cut paper shapes and letters that overlap pieces of paper used in the background.
These 6 th grade OMS students demonstrate the use of both positive/negative space and show overlapping qualities in these Optical Art examples.
Value can be used to make the artwork look like it has distance in space. This artist uses light and faded colors to make the hills in the background seem far away. The artist uses larger shapes and darker colors to give the illusion that you are standing right behind the man in the painting. Objects that are close will have more details than shapes or objects farther away.
A simple box drawing using 1pt. perspective A student drawing using 1pt perspective.
A sketch of a street. Example of One point perspective.
An example of 2pt perspective drawing boxes. A 2pt perspective example starting off with boxes and then adding doors and windows. The student then adds values to each of the buildings to