Total Literacy By Sampson, Rasisnski, & Sampson (2003)
Three Strands Self-expression Impression Conventions
Self-expression talking, painting, singing, dancing, acting, and writing
Self-expression Creative language experiences... provide for individual differences develop imagination build self-confidence provide for emotional expression develop the aesthetic sense deepen appreciation of other people’s writing are divergent, not convergent
Impression The language and ideas of others influences the student’s personal language and skills
Impression 1. Students acquire new ways of saying things 2. Teachers provide opportunities for art, creative writing, and drama 3. Students develop organizational abilities 4. Students write, expressing their personal ideas 5. Students compare personal ideas with those of other writers 6. Teacher encourage questions
Conventions Skills, the conventions of literacy, are best learned in the process of reading and writing
Conventions 1. The words students use most frequently are the same ones used most frequently by other writers 2. Awareness of these high-frequency words facilitates independent reading 3. Awareness of graphophonic occurs through repetition, and more through writing than reading
Conventions 4. Students acquire language through listening and talking with others, new experiences, and new vocabulary for old experiences 5. Language grows as students learn the names of things, words of movement, and words of description 6. Listening to and repeating well-written materials extends students understanding
Total Literacy Each and every day, students communicate in many ways & through many means; they use personal language to express personal ideas students are influenced by the language and ideas of many people students explore components of language that relate to literacy