Welcome to Painting 2011 Instructor: Jimmie Tucek “Mz. Jimmie”
High Expectations I have high expectations for my students. This is not a beginner’s class. Drawing is a pre-requisite for this course. If you cannot draw, you are going to be at a disadvantage in this class. Like real artists, you will be working under deadlines. This class includes both written assignments and creative project work. The State of Texas requires only one year of Fine Arts to graduate. Hopefully you are here because you want to be. You are required to participate in the annual spring art show as part of your grade for the spring semester. You will not pass for one or more six weeks, or the year, (depending on your average) if you choose not to participate. This could result in loss of course credit.
Grading Policy Tests and Projects40% Approximately 4 tests each six weeks. Some projects will also count 40%. Project work will be based both on the “finished product,” and the effort expended by the student. I will not penalize well executed but unsuccessful efforts, but neither will I encourage minimum efforts.
Class Work60% You will receive daily grades for completed elements (portions or steps) of your projects. “Studio Experiences” grade-some weeks you will receive an aggregate grade of up to 100 points as a daily grade. Classes are short. You are expected to work the complete class time each day. There is no “down time” in Art. You are expected to work on the assignment, and not on any self-appointed art work that you undertake to fill in time or look busy. To maintain your grade, you must have a project to grade. Idea and decision time is limited, and grades are dependent upon your ability to reach these conclusions in a timely manner.
Art Supply List An art notebook that contains writing paper and that you can add handouts to. Bring it to class every day. Optional flash drive-for digital portfolio
Class Procedures School Policy: Phones should be turned off. Ask for permission to use as a camera or reference source. If I notice a phone out without permission, I will turn it in. Place all other “personal” items, except for art needs, (book bags, notebooks, purses, etc.) under your work station (including all electronics). No hats, hoods, or electronic music devices in class.
Safety First: Please do not use equipment in the classroom without instructor permission and instruction. Remain in your assigned seat, except when retrieving supplies/equipment. Please enjoy class, but be respectful of everyone else’s rights, including mine. Do not “touch” other people’s artwork. No Horseplay. Exercise care moving around the room while your classmates are using equipment and tools. Please do not run inside the classroom for any reason.
Find your seat and the assignment. Assignments will be posted on the board each day. Begin assignment. You will have a bell activity to complete by the tardy bell on most days. When you are finished with this, prepare for the day’s work on your project.
I will place daily supplies out on the island table for student access. If you need other supplies (those in cabinets or drawers), please ask for access. Do not retrieve supplies without permission. All work will be “original.” No “copy” art. Students will be expected to compose and take their own photo references (with your own or the teacher’s camera) or work from real-life observation. If you have a digital camera, please make a habit of bringing it with you to art class.
End of Class Procedures Individual and group clean-up: I will announce clean-up approximately five minutes before the class ends. Make sure to use a sink that is in good working order and do not use the “Clay Sink.”
You may place your painting in the rack at the back of the classroom. Do not leave your work anywhere else in the room. All other personal materials should leave with you. You are responsible for keeping up with your own work. Please exercise care of your peer’s work in the rack. Please keep the room orderly and neat-each class deserves this consideration. Please do not deface school property.
When cleanup is complete, class will be allowed to pick up personal items. Return to work station and wait quietly. I will dismiss class when the room is clean and orderly.
Classroom Rules-Respect Follow directions. Remember Safety first. Be on time, so that I do not have to mark you “Tardy.” Check in with me first if you have other “business.” If you are tardy: Please show respect by entering the room quietly and getting to work. Speak to me about your tardy at the end of class. Please, no perfumes, colognes, or scented sprays out in class. Horseplay will be written up as detention. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Do not throw anything. No teasing, name calling, swearing, or yelling No “severe” behavior Fighting Talking back Destruction of property General disturbances or disruptions
About Mz. Jimmie I am a professional Artist and Teacher. My area of expertise is stone sculpture, but I am proficient in most painting media including oil, acrylic, and watercolor and gouache in addition to other studio art media. My husband’s name is Gary. My contact information is on the school website for your convenience.
All images are paintings from other region 8 high school students