Homeward’s Regional Conference October 20, 2010 Patricia A. Popp, State Coordinator Project HOPE – Virginia Kathi Sheffel, Homeless Liaison Fairfax County Public Schools
HUD’s assurances for education Intersections with EHCY Promising Practices Network enhancement
Title X, Part C 2001 Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Reauthorizes the Stewart B. McKinney Act, originally enacted in 1987 Provides states with funding to support local grants and statewide initiatives Requires educational access, attendance, and success for homeless children and youth
Office of the State Coordinator
LEA Homeless Liaisons e/liaison/documents/Liaisons.pdf e/liaison/documents/Liaisons.pdf Share training, invite to CoC Form child/youth subcommittee
Create MOU for information sharing Develop referral protocols Know the EHCY definition of homeless
An individual who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, including children and youth : sharing housing due to loss of housing or economic hardship living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to lack of alternative adequate housing living in emergency or transitional housi ng
Including children and youth : abandoned in hospitals awaiting foster care having a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, regular sleeping accommodations
living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations migratory students meeting the description unaccompanied youth meeting the description
2 million people annually – ½ children USED data (NCHE) : 956,914 students enrolled (41% increase over 2 years) Virginia PreK-12 – 12,768 (29% increase over 2 years) PreK – 408 Elementary – 6,998 Middle – 2,646 High –2,716
Posters Family brochures HOPE briefs NCHE Webinars and HOPE training
School is the most normal activity that most children experience collectively…For homeless children it is much more than a learning environment. It is a place of safety, personal space, friendships, and support. Oakley & King, 2000
Enroll students immediately in local school OR Maintain student enrollment in the school of origin when feasible and in the student’s best interest Includes transportation Even across school division lines Get the student enrolled and keep the student enrolled!
Free school meals Title I Special education Gifted programs Transportation After school and summer programs Head Start and (Even Start), VPI
Use an education checklist at intake Discuss school of origin (checklist) Develop an education plan as part of family’s case plan Link to school services Title I Tutoring After school programs
Develop a cohesive strategy to support school stability Map school addresses with shelters and transitional housing programs Include school stability as a criterion in placement decisions
Do not mandate enrollment in local school Do not automatically refer family to one school Review after school participation requirements that would limit SOO
Child Nutrition Act Title I, Part A Higher Education Act Early Intervention (IDEA Part C) Head Start
If no CSC, who will be designated? Share training Infant and toddler and early childhood initiatives Head Start Task Force ECSE PP Shining Stars Screening tools, behavior, enrollment HOPE Seminars NAEHCY Conference – Pittsburgh 2011
Project HOPE-Virginia The College of William & Mary P. O. Box 8795 Williamsburg, VA (toll free) (fax)