Environmental surveys of the Nordic, North, and Barents Seas - by the Institute of Marine Research, Norway Webjørn Melle
▶ Research for better management advice on AQUACULTURE on THE ECOSYSTEMS of - the Barents Sea - the Norwegian Sea - the North Sea - the Norwegian coastal zone
▶ The ecosystems We conduct regular surveys in the Barents Sea, the Norwegian Sea and the North Sea We study the whole ecosystem: bottom fauna plankton fish whales and seals We monitor the marine climate and pollution
HÅKON MOSBY BUILT: GRT., L.o.a.: 47,2 M OWNER: UNIVERSITY OF BERGEN DR. FRIDTJOF NANSEN BUILT: GRT. L.o.a.: 56,8 M OWNER : NORAD G.M. DANNEVIG BUILT: GRT. L.o.a.: 27,9 M JOHAN HJORT BUILT: GRT. L.o.a.: 64,4 M G.O. SARS BUILT: GRT. L.o.a.: 77,5 M CRUISE ACTIVITY VesselDays at Sea G.O. Sars317 Johan Hjort300 Håkon Mosby309 G.M. Dannevig174 Dr. Fridtjof Nansen349 Fangst162 Chartered vessels1048 Total2659 ▶ The research vessels Our most important tools for collecting data on the ecosystems
THE BARENTS SEA THE NORWEGIAN SEA AND THE NORTH SEA THE COASTAL ZONE Study what affect the ecosystems: climate human activities stock interactions Provides the basis for management advice ▶ Research groups targeting the ecosystems
CTD (plankton) stations, fixed stations and standard section sampled by IMR
Total zooplankton biomass (dry weight g m-2) Nordic and Barents Sea in May Barents Sea in August-September
Access to zooplankton data from IMR Archive of zooplankton samples on formalin, since ~1980 –Majority of samples are near surface samples –Also some depth stratified and deep ocean samples IMR Zooplankton taxonomic database (~1985-present) Collection of samples on future cruises specified by CmarZ members Participation on IMR cruises by CMarZ members
Icelandic large scale surveys on zooplankton Annual spring survey (1961-present) Ecolocy of the Iceland Sea (ISEP) (New in 2006) Studies on environmental conditions and plankton productivity on the herring feeding areas east of Iceland (Since 1994)
Annual spring survey Long-term monitoring of abundance, distribution and productivity of zooplankton around Iceland in relation to marine climate Since 1961 in May-June Nine standard sections around Iceland (~90 stns) Standardized methodology (WP2, 0-50 og m)
Annual spring survey – standard sections
Total biomass (g dw m -2 ) C. finmarchicus (%) Gislason (2002) Data from May-June,
Zooplankton communities in spring C. finmarchicus C. hyperboreus Acartia Temora Cladocera C. finmarchicus Oncaea Oithona Calanus Gislason and Astthorsson (2004)
Ecolocy of the Iceland Sea (ISEP) Overall aim: To identify and evaluate production processes in the Iceland Sea, with particular reference to the capeling, to obtain a holistic picture of the functioning of the ecosystem Project started in 2006 and will continue for 3- 5 years Links with ESSAS and IPY WP2 and Multinet
ISEP – Stns occupied in July 2006 Biomass (g dry weight m -2, 0-50 m)
Zooplankton in the western Norwegian Sea Icelandic part of coordianted surveys aimed at elucidating hering migrations in relation to physical and biological environment Since in 1994 WP2, 0-50 og 0-200m Stns occupied in 2005
Zooplankton collection by the Faroese Fisheries Laboratory Faroe shelf and surrounding oceanic water in April stations. 200 um net. Upper 50 m. Faroe shelf, Faroe Bank and surrounding oceanic water in June-July. Ca. 70. stations. 100 and 200 um nets. (Upper 50 m) Oceanic samples to the south of the Faroe Islands and in the southern Norwegian Sea in May. 200 um net. Upper 50 and 200 m. Four standard sections radiating from the Faroes 4-5 times annually.
Standard hydrographic and plankton sections Faroese Fisheries Laboratory Four-five times annually
Sea Surface temperature, 5 May 2006
Calanus finmarchicus May
IMR activities in the Antarctic 2007 –2008 (Atlantic sector) The IMR AKES project ( Antarctic Krill and Ecosystem Studies ) probably funded by NCR –Objectives Krill abundance estimation Krill acoustic classification and TS estimation Behaviour and vital rates of krill based on full year sampling (cooperation with commercial krill fishing vessel) Additional key zooplankton and phytoplankton studies Studies of krill predator Modelling (primarily physics)
Norwegian Antarctic cruise – 4 months (probably funded) Vessel G.O.Sars –Deep water sampling –Traditional zooplankton nets –MOCNESS –Macro-plankton trawl with depth stratified sampling facilities –Multi-frequency acoustics –Continuous observation of surface of T, S, F –CTD with water bottles November 2007 to March 2008 Open for 2 ? CMarZ members –Transit (probably along Mid-Atlantic Ridge) Norway-South America South Africa-Norway –Two 4 weeks surveys of Southern Ocean CMarZ members can ask for specific samples to be taken during transit or Southern Ocean cruises
Norwegian Antarctic cruise – 4 months