Elements of Media Arts Student Name
Define the following terms Point of View Scary Face Line Texture Light Space
Point of View Has there ever been a time where you have seen people experience an event differently than you? Point of View Photo or Face
Scary Face before after
Line How do you feel about drawing? Do you feel that being good at drawing defines being a good artist? Why or why not? Line Drawing Photoshop
Texture How does the texture you selected tell something about you? Texture portrait
Light Description of Light Painting With Light
Space 3D photo Description of colour 3D photo
Assignment Reflection What was your favorite work from this assignment? What was your least favorite?
MEDIA ARTS PART 1 SLIDE SHOW CriteriaComponentsLevel Creative Approach/Originalit y (Thinking and Inquiry) Demonstrates creative approach, and visual interest Point of View Scary Face Line Portrait Texture Portrait Light Space Use of Tools (Application) Use of computer programs to help you create the work Save file in the Lacombe Handin with Student’s name as file name Use of tools effectively to create the images Interactivity of the Power Point program to create a user friendly slide show Student Reflection (Communication) Use of language to communicate What was your favorite work from this assignment? What was your least favorite?