Recess Research to Policy: What works?
Research Recess offered throughout the day can improve student behavior and concentration Recess can contribute as much as 40% of a child’s daily physical activity Recess time appears to be decreasing with fewer districts requiring or recommending recess Students at high risk for obesity are less likely to be offered recess
Research Training recess supervisors can increase physical activity levels of students Painting playgrounds with murals and lines for recreation games positively impacts student physical activity Dividing the play space into “activity zones” can increase children’s physical activity Integrating several low-cost approaches can increase student physical activity Providing recess equipment encourages children to be active
Evidence-Based Policy Implications Policy requiring a safe environment with activity promoting equipment and supervisors trained to encourage physical activity Regulations calling for schools to partner with community stakeholders to enhance physical activity during recess Policy requiring schools to designate a school physical activity director to oversee recess offerings State and federal incentives for schools to offer evidence-based approaches during recess