{ Your Club Web Site Are you using it effectively?
Why is he here???
Know Your Audience!!!
What do you want to learn? Why do you want to learn this ? What do you know already? Why are YOU here?
These are questions you need to ask about your website visitors!
Who is your target audience?
This session is only about visitors, not club members. I can present at the Spring Conference about making your site member-friendly…
Is your site visitor-friendly?
What do your visitors need?
Meeting Information & Directions Home Page (and Web Address) Contact Form Meet Our Members & Optional Pages What we’ll cover today
{ Meeting Info/Directions To get somewhere, what information do you need?
Would this help a visitor find your club?
MUCH Better!!!
The admin console is your friend!!!
{ Home Page What do visitors want to see?
Do you recognize this guy??? He seems to be in a lot of clubs!!!
If you were a visitor and saw this guy twice, what would you think?
How about a picture from your club, instead???
The admin console is your friend!!!
Your web address
The admin console is your friend!!!
{ Contact Form Use it or lose them
{ Meet Our Members (?) And other optional pages
How can I remember all this? 1.Go to divisionh.org 2.Go the Club Website Help menu (top right) 3.Click on – Is Your Club Website Visitor-Friendly
Visitor-friendly Checklist
Any Questions?