Welcome for Parents and Students! Hey, everyone. I hope this video helps both parents and students to be well prepared for the fun school year ahead.
My name is Lindsey Smedley. I am very organized and punctual when it comes to my classroom. I want everyone to feel comfortable with coming to me for help and any questions they have during the school year.
Education I graduated from The University of West Georgia with a bachelor’s of science. I received my masters in counseling from the University as well.
Experience: This is my fourth year teaching at this school. I started off teaching kindergarten but moved to second grade two years ago. I love both kindergarten and second grade. I am so thankful and happy to have such a rewarding job that I get to teach children everyday.
“Teachers, who love teaching, teach students to love learning.”
“It’s okay not to know, but it’s not okay not to try!”
Commitment with Parents: we are on the same TEAM ! I’m not telling you it is going to be easy, but it will be worth it. A parent’s involvement makes such a big difference in their child’s life. This year will be online and because we do not meet face to face, communication with the students, parents, and the teacher is crucial. If it is necessary to meet for some rare reason of emergencies with the students and or family please contact me and we will set something up at my office.
Contact Information: The best way to reach me is my . I can do conference call parent meetings. I just need at least a week ahead of time to schedule time to focus on you and your child. I also will give out my telephone number if you want it to call for questions about homework. I would prefer to be the first form of communication. Times to call During week: 9-5 During Weekend: 12-5
Class I will have each step of the semester laid out in each subject folder. For instance, I will have the homework, activities, projects, and etc. laid out in a list with due dates, instructions of each assignment and so on. I will add a checklist to each subject folder as well. This will help each students keep up with the assignments already done and others that need to be completed. I will use lists with numbers and bullets to keep it simple and easy to understand
I look forward to teaching and working with each student and getting to know more about them through their work. Ms. Smedley