Visualization of Automated Trust Negotiation Danfeng Yao Michael Shin Danfeng Yao Michael Shin Brown University Goldman Sachs Inc. Brown University Goldman Sachs Inc. Roberto Tamassia William H. Winsborough Roberto Tamassia William H. Winsborough Brown University University of Texas, San Antonio Brown University University of Texas, San Antonio Supported in part by NSF grants CCF– , IIS– , CNS– and CNS
Overview Introduction to two-party automated trust negotiation (ATN) Introduction to two-party automated trust negotiation (ATN) –Trust target graph (TTG) Design of the visualization framework Design of the visualization framework –Prototype implementation Example of a visualization session Example of a visualization session –Demo of our visualization program
Monitoring the release of sensitive credentials Accessing protected resources requires releasing digital credentials Accessing protected resources requires releasing digital credentials Credentials may be sensitive Credentials may be sensitive –Need to control the release of digital credentials –Trust Negotiation is an incremental, bilateral exchange of credentials and policies between resource owner and requester Visualization of automated trust negotiation – –Gives teaching and learning support for ATN users – –Enables users to visually examine the ATN process – –The combination of interactive visualization and ATN improves the security of protected resources –We demonstrate that Grappa and GraphViz (AT&T) are suitable graph drawing systems for visualizing ATN
A simple trust negotiation example Request for discount Request UID Request BBB Send BBB Send UID Grant the discount Policy Releasing UID requires BBB Cred.UID (student ID) AlicePolicy Discount requires UID Cred. BBB (better business bureau)
A general trust negotiation Protocol Request for resource Request credential Sensitive, request proof Sensitive, request more credential Send credential Grant the resource Policies Credentials AlicePolicies Credentials Send proof Primary trust target
Trust target graph Trust target graph (TTG) is a directed graph representing the state of negotiation [Winsborough Li ’02] Trust target graph (TTG) is a directed graph representing the state of negotiation [Winsborough Li ’02] – –The negotiation succeeds when the primary trust target is satisfied – –Fails when the primary target cannot be satisfied, or when neither negotiator changes the graph – –TTG can have cycles and be non-planar Construction of TTG Construction of TTG –Each negotiator keeps a local copy of TTG –Nodes are trust targets: The state of a node: unknown, satisified, or unsatisfied The state of a node: unknown, satisified, or unsatisfied –Edges represent implication and control relationships Satisfied states propagate along the edges Satisfied states propagate along the edges –Negotiators take turns extending the TTG by adding new edges and nodes to the current graph At the beginning TTG contains only the primary trust target At the beginning TTG contains only the primary trust target The new TTG is a supergraph of the previous one The new TTG is a supergraph of the previous one Associated credentials or policies are transmitted Associated credentials or policies are transmitted
TTG construction of the example Amazon: ? Alice Amazon: Univ.Student ? Alice Alice: BBB.member ? Amazon Alice: Amazon ? Amazon Alice: BBB.member ? AmazonAmazon: Univ.Student ? AliceAmazon: ? Alice
Components of our ATN visualization framework
Prototype implementation The visualizer displays the construction of TTG for negotiators The visualizer displays the construction of TTG for negotiators Uses Grappa system [Barghouti, Mocenigo, Lee. GD ‘97], a Java port of GraphViz system [Ellson, Gansner, Koutsofios, North, Woodhull et al] for graph drawing – –Layout provided by dot in GraphViz – –The upward drawing heuristics and hierarchical (layered) drawing features are suitable for drawing directed graphs such as TTGs – –Layout algorithms try to avoid edge crossings and reduce edge length Colors and shapes of nodes and edges represent different types in TTG and can be customized Displays local credentials, remote credentials, and policies
Standard target Intersection target Trivial target Linked role target
Edge types Edge nameColorMeaning ImplicationPurple A parent node implies the child node Linking monitorBlue Form a target with a linked role to a linking goal Linking solutionGold From a linked goal to a standard target Linking implicationGreen From a target with a linked role to a linked role target ControlSiennaUsed with ack and access policies IntersectionOrange From an intersection target to standard targets
Demo of a visualization session Requester: Alice Requester: Alice –Works at purchase department in Medix Fund (MedixFund.purchasingA) –She considers this credential sensitive Resource owner: Medical Supply Company (MedSup) Resource owner: Medical Supply Company (MedSup) –A member of ReliefNet (ReliefNet.member) Requested resource: Discount from MedSup Requested resource: Discount from MedSup – Delegation credentials transfer privileges between roles Delegation credentials transfer privileges between roles –Role provisioner at ReliefNet is delegated to MedixFund.purchasingA –cPartner at Medix Fund is delegated to ReliefNet.member –Discount is given to provisioner at ReliefNet
ATN-Vis Demo
Example -- Start Requester: AliceProvider: Medical Supply (MedSup)
Example -- 3% progress
Example -- 16% progress
Example -- 19% progress
Example -- 23% progress
Example -- 29% progress
Example -- 42% progress
Example -- 45% progress
Example -- 52% progress
Example -- 61% progress
Example -- 71% progress
Example -- 77% progress
Example -- 74% progress
Example -- 84% progress
Example -- 97% progress
Example % progress
Related Work Graph drawing systems Graph drawing systems – –Grappa [Barghouti, Mocenigo, Lee. GD ‘97] – –GraphViz [Ellson, Gansner, Koutsofios, North, Woodhull et al] Visualization of protocols – –[Hall, Moore, Pratt, Leslie. SIGCOMM Workshop ‘03] – –[Zhao, Mayo. ICEE ’02] – –[Koch, Parisi-Presicce. FASE ‘03] Trust negotiation Trust negotiation –[Winsborough, Seamons, Jones. DISCEX’00] –[Yu, Ma, Winslett. CCS’00] –[Winsborough, Li. POLICY ’02] –[Li, Du, Boneh ‘03] Combination of visualization and automated protocols –Anomaly detection [ ] –Anomaly detection [Teoh, Zhang, Tseng, Ma, Wu. VizSEC/DMSEC ‘04] –Mining –Mining geo-spatial datasets [Keim, Panse, Sips, North. CG ‘04]
Conclusions and future work We have described the architecture and data model of an interactive visualization framework for ATN We have described the architecture and data model of an interactive visualization framework for ATN We have presented a prototype of our ATN visualization framework We have presented a prototype of our ATN visualization framework Grappa and GraphViz are suitable tools for drawing trust target graphs in ATN Grappa and GraphViz are suitable tools for drawing trust target graphs in ATN For future work, we plan to bring more interactive components into the implementation For future work, we plan to bring more interactive components into the implementation –Provide more interactive explanations of texts inside TTG nodes –Visualization and modification of negotiation strategies