Rabbit Breeds Block 5
The Lilac Small 6-7 lbs Dove-gray with a slight pink sheen aka Pinky-Dove Breed is a diilued Havana Brown that occurs in litters sometimes To obtain various shades of the Lilac you can mix a Havana with a blue rabbit and interbreed their offspring.
Hotot Size (category) Large Weight : 8 to 11 pounds Shiny white with a thin black band around eye
The Havana Size: small Weight: between lbs Color: rich dark chocolate, black or blue Characteristics: small and compact meaty rabbit
The standard chinchilla Medium lbs. Dark slate-blue, pearl, black Chubby, fur similar to that of a chinchilla.
French Lop Giant More than 9 lbs Any solid color and in any color in combination with white Ears hang down in a horseshoe shape 1 ½ inches or more over muzzle
The American Large 9-12 lbs. Body shape-mandolin(laid back) Blue and white
The sable Medium 7-8 lbs. Deep sephia brown color Slightly arched back. Ears, head and feet have a purple or a shaded brown sheen
angora Medium lbs A lot of colors Short compact body, the head ears feet and body covered with wool
Palomino Large 8 to 11 lbs Gold and orange White creamy undercoat breed with distinctive colors
Crème/champagne d’argent Large 8-11 lbs Crème with bright orange underfur/ blueish white with dark slate blue underfur Luxiourious and richly colored fur
The Californian Large Males 8-10 lbs, females 8 ½-10 ½ lbs White with black colored nose, ears, feet & tail with red eyes Crossed with the Himalayan, Chinchilla, and several white New Zealand does.
The satin angora Medium 8 lbs Agouti, pointed white, self shaded, solid, and ticked Soft, silky fur, is firm