Final test of speech Final test of speech By Suryani
Secrets behind doing prayer at the beginning of time
لفضل الوقت الاول على الاخير خير من ولده وماله “Sesungguhnya keutamaan yang ada di awal waktu dibandingkan akhirnya lebih baik bagi seorang mukmin dari anak- anaknya Dan hartanya.”
Regularity of life Formula to control ourselves Reflection of spiritual success
There was a story.……. T h e r e w a s a s t o r y. … …. A man….
That U NEED to do is…………
MP’S time can cold our hearth which have been over hot along day
Evening prayer
Concluding So, Well the most important thing now is that we should focus on the role of prayer in ours, and start from now let’s pick it as a draft and get it although for the first it is felt hard. slow but sure, it will be customary for us and not be a burden for us anymore.