By Stephanie Wood And Nedziba Bubregovic
A very large collection of data A database management system is a software package designed to store and manage data Models real-world Entities (Ex: Students, courses) Relationships (Ex: Joe Smith is taking CSIS)
Provides end users with quick, easy access to information stored in a database Data integrity and security Efficiently organizes data Manages effectively Logical and physical data independence
5 functional database structures are the hierarchal, network, relational, object-oriented, and multidimensional The relational model is widely used today
Database administrator Designs Improves integrity and security Uses data definition language Data availability, crash recovery Usually well paid
Oracle DB2 Microsoft Access Firebird FileMaker Microsoft SQL Server
Oracle is one of the major companies developing and selling DBMS. Oracle was founded in California, Price rage is …
Oracle is known as a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) EMPLOYEE EMPL_IDNAME_FIRSTNAME_LASTDEPTPOSITIONSALARY 1 H oraceSlate 1Owner29 4FredFlintstone2Laborer13 5BarneyRubble2Laborer12