The activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service. It includes advertising, selling and delivering products to people.


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Presentation transcript:

The activities of a company associated with buying and selling a product or service. It includes advertising, selling and delivering products to people.

The statistical data of a population dealing with factors such as average age, income, education, sex, marital status, etc..

The statistical data of a population dealing with buying habits, values, and lifestyles.

The audience selected to receive a specific message (EX: An energy drink ad targets young males).

Calling attention to a product or service, often by paid announcements (commercials) in newspapers, magazines, internet, radio and television.

Percentage of TV households with their sets tuned to a specific station (channel) in relation to the total number of TV households.

There are an estimated 115 million television households in the U.S. A single national ratings point represents one percent of the total number, or 1,150,000 households.

Percentage of TV households tuned to a specific station (channel) in relation to all households with their sets turned on.

A rating reflects the percentage of the total population of televisions tuned to a particular program while share reflects the percentage of televisions actually in use.

A 10.5/20 Rating/Share means that on average 10.5 % of all households with a TV were tuned into a program at any given moment, while 20 percent of households watching TV were tuned into that program during that time slot.