Waste Program Monitoring Technology Needs and the 21M 2 Effort ETC Brownbag Thursday, May 19, 2005 Daniel Powell, U.S. EPA Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation (703)
Feeding Program Technology Needs ETV SITE Research HSRCs SBIR STAR TriadDNAPL Long-Term Monitoring Optimization Evaluating New Technologies to Match Waste Program Needs/Key Initiatives 21M 2
Feeding Program Technology Needs ETV SITE Research HSRCs SBIR STAR 21M 2 TriadDNAPL Long-Term Monitoring Optimization Evaluating New Technologies to Match Waste Program Needs/Key Initiatives
21M 2 : Measurement and Monitoring Technologies for the 21st Century Established to ensure continued development and application of technologies for evolving EPA waste program needs – Focus on all waste clean-up programs –Activities to date Needs analysis (update) “Seed” regional application projects –Actual applications –Initial site tests –Adapt technologies to new conditions –$400K/year annual budget Information resources, dissemination SBIR input
21M 2 Opportunities for 21M 2 in the Development Process: Communication and Support Early Research Continuing Research: Scaling-Up Evaluation: Commercial Application Acceptance: Commercial Application GAP Existing programs: SBIR, ETV, SITE Outreach GAP Communicating program needs and vendor opportunities 21M 2 Communicating success 21M 2 Supporting field testing and evaluation
Identified Waste Program Needs Air Emissions Monitoring –Continuous emissions monitors for use with thermal hazardous waste treatment systems –Remote sensing for fence-line monitoring for fugitive emissions/enforcement activities Characterizing and Monitoring Mining Sites –Monitoring technologies for mining waste sites Contaminated Sediment Characterization –Sampling and analytical technologies for potentially contaminated sediment
Identified Waste Program Needs Field Methods and Laboratory –New monitoring methods for total cyanides and cyanide speciation –Test kits or other alternatives to reduce the cost of safely screening for dioxin contamination –Develop robust field analytical methods for the detection of perchlorate, particularly in water samples. –Analytical techniques for pesticides and their degradation products –Field-based monitoring and measurement technologies for MTBE in soil and groundwater
Identified Waste Program Needs Indoor Air Quality –Monitoring vapor intrusion into buildings In-Situ Monitoring Systems –Sensor technologies for long term monitoring of groundwater –In situ sensors for monitoring groundwater contamination/treatment system performance –Leak detection technologies for small municipal landfills Monitoring Effectiveness of In-Situ Remedies –Monitors of natural attenuation and other in-situ systems
Identified Waste Program Needs Subsurface Chemical Detection Systems –Technologies for locating and monitoring DNAPL contamination –Non-invasive monitoring technologies for mercury and heavy metals in soils Underground Storage Tanks –Internal inspection methods for internally lined underground storage tanks (USTs) –Leak detection methods for underground storage tanks and pipes
21M 2 Status and Activities Internet site: –Project summaries, news –Literature search, data base Quarterly, now over 3,200 entries Also includes SBIR abstracts, trade, and vendor info “Canned” literature searches (perchlorate, landfill leak detection) Tied to needs –Technology Focus Areas Open-path technologies Sediments sampling (under development) Support funded projects, augment understanding
21M 2 Status and Activities Supporting EPA projects –New analytical methods development and validation (9 projects) –Sediments sampling (3 projects) –Vertical (subsurface) profiling (3 projects) –Open-path monitoring –Geoelectric surface and lab sample measurements for organics in groundwater –Sensor integration with the MIP –In-situ analysis
21M 2 Status and Activities Supporting EPA projects (continued) –Region 5 development and education effort on decision support system: The Fully Integrated Environmental Location Decision Support (FIELDS) System –Region 9 testing of a field method for detecting perchlorate –Particulate matter CEM –Dioxin CEM (ETV Partnership) –Vapor intrusion study –Characterizing DNAPL with Radon
21M 2 Status and Activities Outputs (examples) –Seven SW-846 methods in progress; two suspended (lessons learned!) –Completed field work on two open-path methods; providing information on applicability of technologies to waste site managers –Completed field work, evaluation on perchlorate screening method –FATE on-line, 15 technology areas complete –Integrated FIELDS and SADA decision support tools, created online support –Test to support ORD/SITE demo complete
21M 2 Expenditures $423,000 $346,750 $567,500 $398,499 $395,286 $338,500
Continuing Waste Needs Tools –Sampling –Analysis –Monitoring –Sensors –Decision support –Data interpretation, management New technologies working through research system Revisit past technology areas –New entrants –System Improvements Services vs. hardware/software