Emergency Management Open House 2015
What Is Emergency Management? An inter-disciplinary field that focuses on saving lives, preserving the environment, and protecting property and economic assets in the event of an emergency or disaster. Describes systems and processes for preventing and mitigating, preparing for, responding to, and recovering from emergencies and disasters.
Four Pillars There are four pillars of emergency management. Emergency Managers work in all four. Prevention & Mitigation PreparednessResponseRecovery
Where Do Emergency Managers Work? Day-to-Day On a day-to-day basis, Emergency Managers generally work in an office environment Response During an emergency or disaster, Emergency Managers generally work in an Emergency Operations Centre (EOC)
Career Options Emergency Program Manager Disaster Planning Coordinator Business Continuity Planner Risk Management Specialist Senior Disaster Recovery Specialist Director of Safety & Security Training & Exercise Specialist Security Manager Emergency Management Analyst Business Resilience Analyst
Employment Sectors Local authorities (city and municipal emergency programs) Government agencies Crown corporations Utilities ▪ Transportation; Hydro; Telecommunications Volunteer organizations ▪ Red Cross; Salvation Army Natural resources ▪ Mining; Oil & gas Educational institutions Healthcare agencies
Salaries Emergency program assistant: $36,000 - $45,000 annually. Emergency coordinator, training coordinator, exercise design coordinator or business continuity specialist: $45,000 - $65,000 annually. Emergency program manager in a small to medium- sized community: $60,000 - $90,000 annually. Manager of Security and Emergency Management for a university, hospital, utility company, or casino: $65,000 - $100,000 annually.
Educational Paths Certificate Programs Emergency Management Emergency Management Exercise Design Diploma & Degree Programs Diploma in Emergency & Security Management Bachelor of Emergency & Security Management Studies Bachelor of Public Safety Administration
Government & Corporate Training We offer training in Emergency operations centres Emergency preparedness & planning Emergency social services Crisis communications Exercise design Incident command system Search & rescue Preparing your team Build the response capacity of your team Improve cooperation & collaboration with stakeholders Develop a comprehensive emergency or business continuity plan Use a common model for response Increase organizational resilience Increase safety & accountability Respond swiftly to emergencies and disasters
Contact Us Sarah Wareing Program Director Megan Mercer Program Representative