Building Community Voice into Planning & Healthcare in Nigeria
Key Findings on Maternal Outcomes Action pointers at household level Women more likely to suffer complications during pregnancy and childbirth if they: Did not reduce heavy workload during pregnancy Did not have knowledge of danger signs during pregnancy and childbirth Did not discuss pregnancy with husband/partner Suffered physical Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) during pregnancy
Focus group discussions and community participation Taking the evidence back to communities Seeking clarity on key issues Arriving at potential solutions at what works best at community and household level
Socializing the Evidence for Participatory Action
Docudrama One episode each on maternal and child heath Tailored for each state Drew dialogues from focus group discussions
Socialising the Evidence for Participatory Action Docudrama Facilitated discussions with community leaders General screenings Youth groups’ initiative
Socialising the Evidence for Participatory Action Home Visits Pregnant women Follow-up on new born Husbands Family members
Key Findings on Child Health Action pointers at household level Prevention of Diarrhoea Management of Diarrhoea Childhood immunisations Exclusive breastfeeding and malnourishment
Community-based solutions - the vital link Household Interviews Focus Groups Action planning at community & household Research translated into actions at community and household level
Use of Evidence for community- based solutions Community participation is real and effective Tailor-made solutions available to the government International assistance helping people solve their problems
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