DESIGN OF THE SCHOOL The school will have separate rooms for yoga and bala- vis-x. Each classroom will be built a little bit different from the others. One classroom will have comfy chairs and only one light on. Another classroom will have only bouncy chairs to sit on and the other classroom will have no chairs at all. The school will also have a couple doors that will lead to the outdoor classroom. The outdoor classroom gives students the chance to be able to be active outside and still learn.
LUNCH A subway and a Erberts and Gerberts will be available. Have many different options to choose from that will include many different types of fruits and vegetables. The option of milk, flavored water, or juice. Eating healthy is always good for you and your brain.
CLASSROOMS All the classrooms will all be different. One classroom will have only bouncy chairs to sit on and the other classroom will have no chairs at all. Exercise builds neurons and helps keep the neurons connected. Exercise also helps stress and cuts your risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s by 60%.
CLASSROOMS CONT. One classroom in the school will have only one light on so the classroom is a calm place to be in. That classroom will also have comfy chairs to sit in. A calm place will help those who are stressed. The classroom is a place where they can relax and get rid of some of that stress.
CLASSROOMS CONT. In the classrooms you will have the option on which way you want to learn the topic; by seeing the topic being taught visually, by hearing the topic, or by doing what is being taught with an activity. Each person is wired differently so we all don’t learn the same way as someone else. In every class there will be time given to socialize. We survived by communication with others.
CLASSROOMS CONT. Classrooms will also work with the other ways students learn. The students than have the option to be taught by the way they learn best from. Multimedia principle: students learn better from words and pictures than from words alone ( students will be able to read about the topic and have pictures of the topic with the reading.)
CLASSROOMS CONT. Spatial Contiguity principle: students learn better when words and pictures are near each other rather than far apart from each other. ( students will be able to read about the topic and see what is talked about right next to it in a picture) Coherence principle: students learn better when material that is not related to the topic is excluded ( students will only be shown things that are related to the topic)
CLASSROOMS CONT. Modality principle: students learn better from animation with narration rather than just words on a screen and animation. ( students will be able to see a picture and at the same time will hear about that topic) Temporal contiguity principle: students learn better when corresponding words and pictures are presented simultaneously rather than successively
TEACHERS The teachers can only lecture the class or talk about one certain topic for the maximum of 10 minutes. Someone can only pay attention to one topic for the maximum of 10 minutes if that topic is not one of interest. The teacher has to do movements of some kind when they are talking. If students watch the teacher when they are talking they have the tendency to pay attention and learn but if the teacher does some kind of movements as well throughout the 10 minute lecture that will get the students to pay attention even more.
CLASSES Will only have 3 classes throughout the school day. In the afternoon what was taught in the morning will be repeated in the afternoon. You have to repeat to remember. If it’s not repeated in timed intervals you are not going to remember it in your long term memory.
SCHOOL DAY School will start at 10:10 am and will end at 4:30 p.m. By starting school later the students have the opportunity to sleep in a little later. By getting more sleep you will be able to pay attention more and sleep also helps stress. There will be no tests or homework given which will also help stress.