Perinatal HIV Epi Data State of the State Rashida A. Marshall Perinatal HIV Prevention Coordinator
HIV-Exposed Infants , Florida Overall, there has been a 20% decrease in the number of infants exposed to HIV from January 2007-December 2013
HIV-Exposed Babies by Area, 2013
HIV-Exposed Babies by Race/Ethnicity Exposures n=2,788
2013 Infected Babies Causes Alachua County - (1) Dx late in pregnancy, noncompliant, substance abuse Miami-Dade County - (1) Hx of multiple pregnancies and no PNC, disclosure issues, substance abuse - (1) Noncompliant, substance abuse - (1) Multiple missed opportunities- poor reporting from DIS of mothers HIV status, physicians did not follow ACOG testing recommendations, hospital did not test during L&D, baby was not tested Escambia County - (1) No PNC, Hx of multiple pregnancies, substance abuse - (1) Noncompliant, substance abuse Gadsden County (AIDS) - (1) Acute infection, unprotected sex w/ HIV+ partner Hernando - (1) No PNC, substance abuse Hillsborough County - (1) No PNC, Hx of substance abuse and incarceration Pinellas County - (1) Late PNC at wks. OB/GYN believed that she was only 3-8 weeks along based on the reported LMP date given by mother TOTAL 10
Baby RxPress 2013 Total Number 174 Amount Spent $ 4,
Contributions & Efforts of TOPWA July June 2013 Number of Positive Clients Enrolled and Linked to Care through TOPWA 233 Number of Babies Born Positive to TOPWA Mothers 0
Contributions & Efforts of TOPWA June July 2013
Ages of TOPWA Clients July June n=2,788
Goals Through voluntary counseling and testing, increase the proportion of women of child-bearing age who know their HIV status. Increase the number of newly identified HIV-infected pregnant women and infected pregnant women who have fallen out of care that receive available care and treatment. Increase statewide condom distribution to target HIV-infected women of child- bearing age and women of child-bearing age who are at highest risk of acquiring HIV infection. Increase clients’ awareness of safe sexual practices during pregnancy to reduce risk of acute infection Increase the number of women of child-bearing age at highest risk for HIV who are referred to, participate in, and have access to HIV prevention interventions and materials in order to reduce the number of babies who are born infected with HIV.