How to balance power and restore order after Napoleon?
September 1812 – suffers major defeat in Russia 1813 – constant pressure put on Napoleon and Imperial Army by Austria, Russia, Britain, Prussia and Spain Spain and GB defeat Napoleon on Iberian Peninsula prior to 1813 Coalition armies defeat Napoleon in Leipzig (Germany) Oct – Battle of Nations March 1814 – allied forces march in Paris Napoleon abdicates Napoleon exiled to island of Elba in Mediterranean Treaty of Chaurmont – restored Bourbon monarchy and returned France to 1792 borders!!
Quadruple Alliance = The Big Four Holy Alliance? Why didn’t it work? And France?: Talleyrand! (Quintuple Alliance) Wants France to remain a “player” in the European balance of power game Who?What do they want? Austria: Prince von Metternich weaker Prussia and Russia; northern Italy Prussia: HardenburgSaxony and Rhineland; weaker Austria Russia: Tsar Alexander IPoland England: Castlereaghbalance of power on continent; weak France
Escape from Elba and march across Europe/France March 1, 1815 – Napoleon arrives in Paris Builds army from loyal supporters Promises liberal constitution and peace (no more war) Duke of Wellington (GB) and Field Marshal von Blücher (Prussia) Take on Napoleonic forces at Waterloo Use Napoleon’s tactics (esp. divide and conquer) against him Napoleon no longer as decisive as he used to be June 18, Allies defeat Napoleon at Waterloo, Belgium
Restored old French boundaries (1792) After Waterloo: French pay indemnity + support occupation army Congress Compromise: Prussia used as “sentinel on the Rhine” vs. France New Kingdom of Netherlands: Belgium+Holland = buffer zone btw. France and Prussia Northern Italy under Austria as buffer vs. France Why? New form of diplomacy = attempt to KEEP THE PEACE Treaties NOW made between NATIONS not IND. RULERS