TRAVEL PLANNER Done by: Dania mohammad Abu Elown. Ruaa Tahseen Barakat. Supervisor: Dr. Raed Al-Qadi
OUTLINES Motivation. Previous work. Languages applications and services used. Projects features. Future work. Problems. Demo.
M OTIVATION Due to the difference in culture, language and environment for the places that people travel to, they might face some difficulties. Since smart phones spread globally and for reason was mentioned above, there is a need for mobile application that provides some services to the travelers. Integrating of several services in only one mobile application(no need to install many apps to get these services).
PREVIOUS WORK We are not the first to develop such an application. In fact, there are several applications have been implemented previously, such as KAYAK, Trip Advisor and yelp, but we added some additional features like: pray time, OCR, translator and weather.
LANGUAGES, SERVICES AND APPLICATION USED Languages: 1. Java language. 2. Xml language. Applications: 1. Eclipse IDE 2. Android SDK 3. Android NDK 4. Cygwin
API S AND SERVICES : 1. Google places API 2. Microsoft API translator 3. Yahoo finance exchange 4. Openweather API 5. Tesscart OCR 6. Open street Map 7. SQLlite
FEATURES Nearby locations. Currency exchange. Weather. Translator. TO DO list. Direction and path. OCR. Pray time. Capture and share photos.
SPLASH PAGE Splash page. After this page you directed to the main page.
MAIN PAGE : Our application supports multi languages.
PLACES When click on the places icon on main page, you move to this activity. after you choose one of these icon,you direct to the list of near by locations as in the next slide.
CON ’ D In this activity for example you will be able to search for nearby airports, list them and find directions to the place you want.
DIRECTION if the user presses the the “route ” button then destination point, route will be drawn as in this figure, this was tested in Abu Dhabi, UAE.
CURRENCY EXCHANGE In this activity the user enters the amount of money to exchange, and choses the currency he wants to change from and to.
WEATHER In this activity you will get the weather of your current location or for the place you enter in text field. the weather will include temperature, wind, humidity and pressure.
TRANSLATOR The application will provide you with an easy to use translator with speech for the translated words, the application will auto detect the language of the word and translate it to the language you want.
TO DO LIST The application will give you a simple To Do list, so you can organize your trip activities as you want
PRAY TIME This activity will show you the pray time for your current location, or for a location you enter in a text field.
CAPTURE AND SHARING PHOTO In this activity you can capture photo or choose one from gallery, then share it.
FUTURE WORK : OCR We wish to detect texts in different languages and translate to multi lanaguges.
PROBLEMS SDK versions Simulator(not perfect for GPS). Google maps(not available in Palestine).