Chapter Seven Resources & Energy
Mineral resources we use Can be metals or nonmetals Ore- a natural material (mineral deposits) from where both nonmetals and metals can be mined profitably Types of mining: subsurface, surface, placer, undersea
Ore Formation: Cooling Magma As magma cools, dense metallic minerals sink and the minerals collect at the bottom of the magma chamber EXAMPLES: - chromium, nickel, lead
Ore Formation: Contact Metamorphism Magma comes in contact with existing rock and heat and chemical reactions with hot fluids from the magma may change rock composition and form ores. EXAMPLES - lead, copper, zinc OR Hot fluids (hydrothermal solutions) move through small cracks in a large mass of rock, forming veins in the rock. EXAMPLES: - gold, tin, lead, copper
Ore Formation: Moving Water Native elements are released from rock due to weathering and streams carry the fragments until it becomes too weak to carry the dense materials; the materials become concentrated in stream beds EXAMPLES: - gold
Examples of How We Use Mineral Resources Making steel, brass Car batteries Electronics, silverware, coins, jewelry Wiring Drill bits, pencils, lubricants, cement, food preparation Glass, gunpowder, medicines, plaster Wallboard
Compare Nonrenewable vs. Renewable Energy Sources Nonrenewable Energy Sources Renewable Energy Sources Limited supply Unlimited supply Produce waste [air pollution (Fossil fuels)] No waste produced Takes time to obtain Natural
Fossil fuels-types & source Coal (remains of plants that have undergone carbonization: buried in swamp and becomes peat) Petroleum (microorganisms and plants that have died in shallow prehistoric lakes/oceans, buried by sediment) Natural Gas (microorganisms and plants that have died in shallow prehistoric lakes/oceans, buried by sediment)
Coal… Types Anthracite Bituminous Lignite Peat Coal is mined from coal mines in the Earth.
Petroleum & Natural Gas… Petroleum floats on water & natural gas floats above the petroleum (density) Found in oil traps and usually neighbor each other
Fossil fuels- pros & cons Good amount of energy Expensive to access Constant supply of energy when used Limited Produces pollution & waste Mining damages ecosystems & air pollution
Nuclear Reactions-fusion vs. fission/pros & cons