1 Bureau of Transportation Statistics The Transportation Services Index: Its Methodology and Relationship to the Recent Recession Ken Notis and Peg Young
2 What is the Transportation Services Index (TSI)? □ A monthly measure of the volume of services performed by the ‘for-hire’ transportation sector □ Covers the activities of for-hire freight carriers, for-hire passenger carriers, and both types of carriers combined Introduction
3 Transportation Services Index, Jan-90 to Jul-10 TSI data and methodology are available for download at
4 TSI Predecessor Research by Lahiri, Stekler and Yao □ TSOI covered the span of 1979 to 2002 □ Turning point analysis suggested the freight component of the TSOI leads the economy Transportation Services Output Index (TSOI)
5 BTS modifications to the TSOI □ some different data sources □ methods of weighting □ estimating recent values Published TSI spans from 1990 to the present □ Presently provided on the BTS website Historical TSI spans from 1979 to the present □ Preliminary results shown in this presentation Historical TSI
6 Data Collection Seasonal Adjustment Index 2000 Weight & Combine Weight & Combine Chain Rail Carloads & Intermodals Truck Tonnage Rail RPM Transit Ridership Air RPM Waterborne Commerce Air Ton-Miles Movement of Gas & Petroleum Passenger TSI Freight TSI Chained Passenger TSI Chained TSI Chained Freight TSI TSI Production Process
7 TSI-Total, Freight, and Passenger
8 Recessions □ Use National Bureau of Economic Research approach (Bry and Boshan, 1971) ▪Moving averages ▪Spencer curves Growth cycles □ Detrend the data □ Zarnowitz and Ozyildirim (2001) Measurement of Turning Points
9 Freight TSI Smoothed
10 TSI Compared to Recessions
11 TSI Compared to Economic Growth Cycles
12 TSI freight leads the business cycle/growth cycle at peak turning points, is coincident at troughs The extent of that lead varies considerably The use of various standard time series techniques, such as deseasonalizing and smoothing, helps to clarify this relationship Initial Conclusions
13 Freight TSI Actual and Smooth Jan-00 to Jul-10
14 TSI freight’s peak was in May 2006, 19 months before the recession began TSI freight’s trough coincided with the end of the recession TSI freight does not currently indicate a double dip Why did TSI lead the recent recession by so much more than it had earlier recessions and slowdowns? □ A different kind of recession? □ Energy cost issues? TSI and the Recession
15 Freight TSI and Gasoline, July-79 to July-10