Human Computer Interaction Lecture /11 1
Aims of this session Describe the module Present the case for HCI Present an overview of HCI Lecture /11 2
Module information Two Courses –CO CO2751 Course team just me + might have odd guest lecture: Gavin Sim, CM 227, Lecture /11 3
About me G R Sim Main areas interest Usability, Evaluation Methods, Child Computer Interaction PhD – About usability and heuristics ical/grsim.php ical/grsim.php Lecture /11 4
About the module Semester 1 Lectures (12pm Friday) Tutorial / Practical classes (various times Friday cm34) Semester 2 – the same! Lectures will be used to provide theories and current research findings Tutorial / Practical – discussions, assignments, conduct evaluations etc… Lecture /11 5
How is it marked? Two hours a week class contact Two hours a week directed study / assessed work Coursework and Exam Coursework not written yet! Likely to be one multipart assignment Exam - 2hrs in the summer Lecture /11 6
Where do I find notes? Web CT or my site HCI books Dix and Finlay Design Interactive Systems Benyon …. More to follow Websites ACM ! Digital library references ACM ! …. More to follow Lecture /11 7
If you have a question! First plan – ask a friend (reliable one) If you are still unsure – ask Me – good times are just before, or just after the lecture! For big questions – book an appointment me and ensure that you put module code in title! Lecture /11 8
Introduction to HCI Lecture /11 9
What HCI is made of Ergonomics Sociology Psychology …and more CO2702 / 2751 Lecture 1 – 2010/11 10
HCI Lecture /11 11
Human Computer Interaction Is the study of People Interacting with Computers in different contexts!! Who are the People? What are the Computers? What do we mean by Interaction? How do we evaluate the product / design / technology? This is what we will cover over the next year! Lecture /11 12
Job HCI is the discipline and User Experience is the career! Also Interaction Designer UI Designer Pay £50,000+ You will wireframe, prototyping, developing personas, sitemaps, use cases, conducting user research etc across web, mobile, tablet devices and software Lecture /11 13
People Lecture /11 14
Computers Lecture /11 15 Wearable Computing Tangible Computing Mobile Computing
Interaction Lecture /11 16
Human Computer Interaction Is many things … Design and Evaluation Methods and Theories Research and Practice Lecture /11 17
Design and Evaluation Lecture /11 18
Methods and Theories Lecture /11 19 Model of Human Processing Fitts Law
Research and Practice Lecture /11 20
HCI Is all about the Interaction…. Making it better Making it safer Making it easier Making it more fun Making it faster Making it reliable Lecture /11 21
The world is full of badly designed things… Lecture /11 22 Photo + caption from Jacob Nielsen’s Alertbox June 7, 2004
And well designed things… Lecture /
And things that look good but don’t work Lecture /
Does it matter? If things are badly designed? Lecture /11 25 You may camp in the wrong place You may crash your car and get injured.. Or worse DIE! … in the best case – you might angry, make mistakes and things will take longer than they should
The 2000 USA Presidential Ballot in Florida Lecture /11 26
To make better interactive technology …. We need to Know about how people interact with things Know about what people can and can’t do Know about the situations in which people do things Know about the basics of good design Understand people’s goals Lecture /11 27
We can’t all be designers.. But we can all learn things about people and design that will help us create better stuff than we would otherwise have done… …so our mantra for this course is…. I can design better stuff Lecture /11 28
HCI is changing.. Physical things GUI interfaces Collaborative interfaces Internet technologies Social technologies Ubiquitous technologies ? Lecture /11 29
Next Week Are we human… Lecture /11 30