Social Science Library: Frontier Thinking in Sustainable Development and Human Well-Being Created by the
Welcome! In this workshop you will learn: What the Social Science Library (SSL) offers, its main features, and appropriate use How to use the SSL to find and download journal articles and book chapters
What is the SSL? The SSL is a collection of over 9,000 bibliographic citations and approximately 3,200 full text journal articles and book chapters Available as a two CD set, or on a USB drive Covers seven social science disciplines
Goals of the SSL To be easily available to colleges and universities in developing countries To improve access to high-quality, relevant literature in the social sciences To emphasize social science writings that promote well-being and hold the potential to translate social & economic theory into sustainable human behavior
The articles in the SSL Good examples of what social science is and how to do it Organized to encourage an interdisciplinary approach to teaching, learning, researching, and using the social sciences Cover theoretical and applied research
Disciplines in the SSL Economics History Philosophy Anthropology Political Science Social Psychology Sociology
Installing the SSL from USB Drive Requires Windows ’95 or greater operating system and 1.3 MB of free space on hard drive Web browser and Abode Reader also required; they are included on the SSL USB drive Needs to be installed only once Instructions on how to install included on tag attached to USB drive, and in the Read Me instructions found on USB drive
Browse or Search? Browse: General interest or idea? Search: Specific interest? (Exact author, title or specific idea)
Browse path hierarchy Discipline –Field Sub field –Topic
Copyright and Fair Use It is OK to: –Download or print out copies of an article or book chapter –Use materials for educational purposes (course packets or reserves) –Share with colleagues and students anywhere within your country Always credit sources Be cautious but sensible It is NOT OK to: –Distribute the SSL outside eligible countries –Charge for documents, except to recover costs –Post content to websites –Change content But – Do share the SSL with colleagues, students, and faculty in your institution, as well as others anywhere in your country.
Questions? oFor questions, please contact LIBRARIAN’S CONTACT INFO HERE oFeel free to contact the SSL team with any questions or comments. They want to hear from users:
Summary oSSL provides free access to selected social science journal articles and book chapters at educational and public institutions in eligible countries. oAllows users to find and retrieve 3,200 full-text articles oProvides bibliographic citations for an additional 6,000 articles. oPlease respect the fair use of this resource.