Giving a Community Presentation
Create Partnerships Schools across the age continuum Churches Grocery stores and pharmacies Membership groups – Rotary Club, Kiwanis, Scout troops, Fraternity/Sorority Senior Centers and Assisted Living Communities
Spread the Word! Social Media Newspapers and Newsletters Community Posters Libraries TV and Radio
Pre Event Resources – Educate ame=aware_commpreshttp:// ame=aware_commpres
SettingUp Setting Up Create a sign with National Stroke Association Logo Consider downloading and making copies of items from our website Make your table easy to approach Bring a friend!
Talking to Participants Stand in front of your table Draw them in Review your talking points before going into the community. Listen and respond appropriately
Guidelines of Conversation Never give medical advice, even if you are or are training to become a professional. Personal Views Opinions on products, places and treatments
Questions? What if I get questions I cannot answer? – Visit – us at – Call STROKES for more information about us, to get materials, to connect to our Stroke Help Line to talk about stroke, or to get involved!