COLLEGE OF LAKE COLLEGE –ADJUNCT FACULTY ORGANIZATION Lake County Federation Of Teachers, Local 504, IFT-AFT/AFL-CIO Saturday, August 18, 2012
Year Rate Pay 1: Non-GFO $901$924$947 Rate Pay 2: GFO $956$980$1005 We negotiated a 2.5% pay increase for each contact year Each year thus compounds over the previous year Per Load Hour Compensation Per Clock Hour Compensation Year Rate Pay 1: Non-GFO $37.56$38.52$39.48 Rate Pay 2: GFO $39.85$40.85$41.90
Print | Logout PrintLogout This form is intended for behavioral complaints (Student Rights & Responsibilities Policy) and a request for Intervention for a student for whom you have a concern (exhibiting signs of depression, major behavioral changes, etc.). If you have a concern related to academic performance or more minor classroom behavior (texting in class, consistent poor performance, etc.) you should use the "Academic Intervention Referral (AIR)" form on the Intranet, under Faculty Resources. NOTE: This form will be submitted via to Darl Drummond, Vice President Student Development. In the event of an emergency concerning the health and safety of anyone on campus, please contact Campus Police at (847) * Required Field Filed Regarding Student: Last:* [ ] First: [ ] Middle: [ ] CLC ID:* [ ] Phone: [ ] Incident/Concern Information: Division/Department:* [--select-- \/] Campus/Center:* [GLC \/] Date: [ ] Time: [ ] Alleged Violation or Concern:*
Complaint/Concern Category:* ( )Academic Integrity: [ ]A [ ]B [ ]C Review Categories Review Categories ( )Academic ( )Behavioral ( )Psychological ( )Physical/Health ( )Personal Safety ( )Other If intervention is needed, indicate level of concern: ( )High ( )Medium ( )Low Describe basis for Complaint/Concern.* Provide detailed information including names of witnesses. Describe resolution/intervention sought. Report or summary prepared by: Name: [ ] Phone: [ ] Department: [ ] Date Prepared: [ ] Complaint/Intervention initiated by:* [Other \/] First Name: [ ] Last Name: [ ] Attach File 1: [ ] Attach File 2: [ ] [Submit] Clear Top Of FormTop Of Form