Differences in development
Three types of differences in development: local regional global
Development differences that occur within a country. For example; development that occurs in your community.
Census would be used to provide reliable and valid data for planning and decision making by any government. Local differences in development is also referred as the ‘national differences in development’.
Development differences that exist between countries in a region. It is also known as the ‘continental differences in development’. For example; SADC (Southern African Development Community) countries, AEC (African Economic Community) etc.
CountryPercentage share (%) 1Seychelles0.4 2Lesotho0.5 3Swaziland0.7 4Malawi1.2 5Namibia1.9 6Mozambique2.2 7Zambia2.4 8Mauritius2.9 9Botswana3.1 10Democratic Republic of Congo3.3 11Zimbabwe3.6 12Tanzania6.1 13Angola6.1 14South Africa65.7 Percentage share of the SADC’s GDP, 2002
Difference between different parts of the work. International differences in development.
Global level development occurs because countries in different parts of the world have different natural resources, populations of different sizes and different priorities. We use different indicators to compare global development, for example; HDI, GDP per capita, Life expectancy, etc.