DTS & CSTS REPORT 15 April 2005 Athens, Greece CSTS - 1 DTS & CSTS WG STATUS REPORT, End of Spring 2005 Meeting Yves Doat Chairman 15 April 2005
DTS & CSTS REPORT 15 April 2005 Athens, Greece CSTS - 2 CONTENTS A.SLE Blue Books B.SLE API Books C.Tool Kit D.Radiometric Services E.AOB F.Issues & Concerns
DTS & CSTS REPORT 15 April 2005 Athens, Greece CSTS - 3 A. SLE Pink Sheets RAF:12 RCF:14 ROCF:4 CLTU:22 FSP:14 (1 technical error: ASN.1 change)
DTS & CSTS REPORT 15 April 2005 Athens, Greece CSTS - 4 Draft Books: –Internet SLE Protocol BB –API Core SpecificationsMagenta –API Summary of Concept & RationalGreen –API Programmer’s GuideGreen –API RAFMagenta –API RCFMagenta –API ROCFMagenta –API CLTUMagenta –API FSPMagenta B. SLE API BOOKS
DTS & CSTS REPORT 15 April 2005 Athens, Greece CSTS - 5 Toolkit C. TOOLKIT Books Abstract Cross Support Service Recommendation (Operations and behaviour description) Cross Support Transfer Layer Recommendation (Operations & behaviour) Guidelines for derived service - How to derive new service Derived Service
DTS & CSTS REPORT 15 April 2005 Athens, Greece CSTS - 6 Toolkit – Definition Approach Approach 1: Reuse existing operations; Include as far as possible common behaviour in the Toolkit definition. Approach 2: New operations (set, read, write); Confirmed / Unconfirmed service; Minimize toolkit requirements on application behavior.
DTS & CSTS REPORT 15 April 2005 Athens, Greece CSTS - 7 Toolkit - Procedures Specific behaviour definition that covers: Sequence of activities; List of operations Goal: Agreed common behavior; Agreed list of supported operations and associated parameters.
DTS & CSTS REPORT 15 April 2005 Athens, Greece CSTS - 8 Toolkit – Procedure Definition Define procedures in terms of: Purpose of the procedure; Definitions; Sequence of activities; List of required operations and for each operation: list of relevant parameters and semantic; UML diagram; Example; Proposed changes. Open points
DTS & CSTS REPORT 15 April 2005 Athens, Greece CSTS - 9 Toolkit – Existing Services List of Procedures Association control Authentication Production Status Handling Throw-Event Status reporting Notification Configuration Query Directive Data Processing Data Delivery
DTS & CSTS REPORT 15 April 2005 Athens, Greece CSTS - 10 Toolkit – New Services List of procedures Common Procedures must be identified for new services: –RUFT; –Radiometric; –Monitoring; –Telemetry catalogue.
DTS & CSTS REPORT 15 April 2005 Athens, Greece CSTS - 11 D. Radiometric Service Meeting with Navigation WG Navigation WG accepted the action: –Identify needs –Identify priority –Report to management Goal: –Get CMC convinced on needs and priority.
DTS & CSTS REPORT 15 April 2005 Athens, Greece CSTS - 12 E. AOB SICF: CSTS to Review Appendix D of SM Book CSTS Charter to be updated Minutes of CSTS WG Meeting will be downloaded to CCSDS next week.
DTS & CSTS REPORT 15 April 2005 Athens, Greece CSTS - 13 Working meeting June 2005 at ESOC Goal: –Review procedures.
DTS & CSTS REPORT 15 April 2005 Athens, Greece CSTS - 14 F. ISSUES AND CONCERNS A.Progress not as fast as expected: Different approaches identified Limited NASA participation in Athens meeting Delay in plans to be expected B.Bad accommodation: Lack of rooms