May the peace He spoke of, the peace of a child, be with you in this Holy-Day Season and throughout the New Year! Sleep and trust deeply in His grace... His Love is truly more powerful than any medicine!
Read books and listen to music that put you into Christ's Mind...
Have delight and joy without things or cooperation... just because they are your birthright.
Do what the Mind of God prompts you to do... Listen only to that prompting.
Sleep in safety and the presence of God's Love... With the hand of Love upon you!
Hold fast to His Love when the world tests you... Remember your Father and abide only in His Love.
Enjoy your blessings...
Remember the Truth – we are one...
Look 'em in the eye, be firm, and say, “I am God's child!” Teach me that I am Love, support me in my True nature!
Shake the dust off your feet if they cannot hear you... In the face of all adversity, keep your connection to the Love of God… for it is the only security!
This is an image of your created state! May you live more deeply in the Mind of Christ and be the Love of God to everyone you meet, saint or sinner, or you give up a precious gift.
BE HAPPY, AND HAVE THE BEST YEAR YET OF YOUR ETERNAL LIFE! Hugs, Blessings and Merry Christ-mas, michael and jeanie ryce