Reader’s Workshop Metzler Elementary Third Grade Mrs. Westgard
What is Reader’s Workshop? Reader’s Workshop is a teaching method that has been used for many years. Reader’s Workshop is based on educational research. Reader’s Workshop is considered a Best Practice for teaching literacy.
Why use Reader’s Workshop? Reader’s Workshop fosters a love for reading within students. Reader’s Workshop differentiates, or personalizes, instruction in order to accommodate the learning needs of all students.
What are the Components? Reader’s Workshop has three components: –Mini-Lesson (5 – 10 minutes) –Independent Reading (20 – 30 minutes) –Sharing (5 – 10 minutes)
What are Mini-Lessons? Mini-lessons are quick lessons about some aspect of literature. Mini-lessons are fast discussions about a reading strategy. The teacher engages students by demonstrating, by modeling, and by thinking aloud.
What is Independent Reading? Independent Reading is when students read and respond to the literature. During Independent Reading, the teacher engages in student conferences on an individual or a group basis.
What is Sharing? Sharing is when students share their responses to the mini-lesson or to their reading. Students share with the whole group, a small group, or a partner. Students receive immediate feedback on their thoughts.
Reader’s Workshop’s Principles Reader’s Workshop is based on five basic principles. These principles are: –Time –Choice –Response –Community –Structure
Principle # 1 Time –Students need time to both look through books and to read independently. –As the year progresses, the amount of independent reading time gradually increases.
Principle # 2 Choice –Students must have the opportunity to choose the books they want to read. –As the year progresses, students choose books that challenge them as readers.
Principle # 3 Response –It is important to provide students with the opportunity to respond to the literature they are reading. –Response is done though journals, class discussions, book talks, or projects.
Principle # 4 Community –It is important for students to realize that they are part of a classroom community. –All students are both learners and teachers.
Principle # 5 Structure –During Readers' Workshop, it is necessary for much structure to exist. –Students need to understand the value of silent reading, plus the importance of sharing and listening during mini- lessons and discussions.
When is Reader’s Workshop? Reader’s Workshop is a daily activity. Mrs. Westgard’s homeroom will enjoy Reader’s Workshop each morning. Mrs. Rieke’s class will enjoy Reader’s Workshop every afternoon.
What Skills Are Addressed? Phonics – The patterns of letters and sounds Fluency –The speed and expression of reading Comprehension –The understanding of the text Vocabulary –The knowledge of word parts and word meanings
Is Reader’s Workshop Graded? Reader’s Workshop is graded using: –teacher’s daily notes –teacher’s records from conferences –students’ participation rubrics –students' reading logs –students’ self-assessments
Is Reader’s Workshop Helpful? Reading Workshop helps students learn to read independently. Reading Workshop helps students learn to read for enjoyment. Reading Workshop helps students learn to connect to the text in meaningful ways.
More Information… Guiding Readers and Writers Grades 3-6 by Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell Readers’ Workshop Grades 1-6 by Patricia Hagerty Reading with Meaning by Debbie Miller Strategies That Work by Stephanie Harvey