By: Blake Kent and Juan Chavez.
The dominance of the transportation field by the automobile and trucking industries was assured when Congress passed the National Highway Act in America already had 1.68 million miles of surfaced road in 1950
Cost of gas was $.20 per gallon! Do to the low fuel prices they could make cars any size, with any size motor. They were not worried about fuel running out or global warming.
By the 1950’s the automobile industry was thriving. The biggest companies are Ford, Dodge, Buick, Pontiac, Plymouth, Chevrolet, and Studebaker
Car models are cars, trucks, and vans. Each model has something that makes it different from the rest. They also have different options for each one.
Drive-ins became popular in the late 1950’s, with some 4,000 drive-ins across the U.S. In the early 1950’s the drive thru was born with McDonalds. This is when drive thru’s became popular with most people.
The Diner’s Club issued the first credit card in 1950, following in 1958 is when American Express issued theirs. People bought large items such as cars, and paid it in installment plans over a period of time. Debt nationally went from $73 billion to $179 billion.
During the 1950’s is when people finally started leaving cities because of cars they could make the drive to work everyday. As more an more people moved away the suburbs were born. Work eventually came to the suburbs on its own.
By: Blake Kent Juan Cavez