Class 4 Lesson 17
Learning Outcomes: Students will be able 1.To read the text with correct pronunciation. 2.To tell about the punctuation marks, ( i.e-full stop, question mark & exclamation mark.) 3.To write the sentences using with correct punctuations.
The mouse, the duck, the dog have fun.
Why can’t we play and jump and run.
You will all find out when the work is done.
That’s yummy bread ǃ It smells so fine.
I want a test. What part is mine?
I want some too. When do we dine?
You would not plant or pick or cook.
So you can’t eat ǃ Just stand and look.
Put a full stop, a question mark, a exclamation mark where as necessary. 1.Amina loves flower 2.How many flowers does she have in her hands 3.How beautiful they look 4.She smiles 5. Is she happy or sad
Nazmoon Naher Head mistress Mohsena Model Govt. Primary School