MnDOT Road Research Update Maureen Jensen Benjamin Worel TRB January 17, 2013
TERRA MnROAD International Pavement Engineering Meeting at TRB International Exchanges
TERRA formed in 2004 Helped develop Phase-II Government, industry and academia members MnROAD Benefits ◦ Attracts key public, industry, academic partners contributions ◦ Participation in future initiatives- better results, implementation
Research and Implementation ◦ Roundabouts, Concrete Overlays, Porous Asphalt, Engagement ◦ Funded $653,000 projects, Tomas Wiennerholt MN Visit Communication and Outreach ◦ 220 People TERRA Research Conference – St Paul ◦ TERRA Innovation Series – Houghton ◦ Webinars Fact Sheets
History ◦ Phase I ( ) ◦ Phase II (2007-present) ◦ Phase III (~2016) Ongoing Monitoring ◦ Performance Data ◦ Sensors ◦ Database / Data Release 2.0 Completing Phase-II Research Studies 2012/2013 Construction 2016 Effort
6” HMA over 33” Class-4 (1993) ◦ Severe transverse & Longitudinal wheel path (2006) Right lane:1½ inch mill & fill PG Goal Find a better “cheap fix” for worn out pavements
◦ 3 Layer System tack coat / scratch coat / final surface ◦ Type II Granite ◦ 6% Kraton polymer modified asphalt instead of 3% post added latex ◦ PG Base asphalt instead of typical PG (initially tried at MnROAD in 2006)
Before Micro ◦ Right lane 126 in/mi ◦ Left lane 190 in/mi After Micro ◦ Right lane 95 in/mi ◦ Left lane 96 in/mi 3 months ◦ Right lane 100 in/mi (21% improvement) ◦ Left lane 99 in/mi (48% improvement)
Beginning to Plan for 2016 Working with Research Partners & Customers MnDOT LRRB TERRA FHWA Continue to Develop Partnerships ◦ Interested in your input
Ground Penetrating Radar FHWA – Tom Yu Norway – Anne Lalague MnDOT – Shongtao Dai LTA – Experiences and Implementation Swedish mining road test sections International Design Comparison Swedish Road Maintenance Performance Standard and the Web-PMS tool
Tomas Wiennerholt (3 week visit – Nov 2012) Ben Worel (3 week visit – June 2013) ◦ BCRRA Conference International Flexible Design Comparison ◦ Norway – Sweden – Denmark Visits MnROAD Research and Operations Low Temperature Cracking investigation Warrantees, FWD quality control, stabilization, WIM, HVS Pervious Pavements, Traffic Speed Deflectometer, climate change